
【零起点英语】第224讲:The Moulin Rouge 红磨坊

【零起点英语】第224讲:The Moulin Rouge 红磨坊
2020年10月29日 15:46 新浪网 作者 北京外语广播

  On October 5, 1889, the famous Paris nightclub, the Moulin Rouge, opened its doors for the first time. It was the hottest spot in town and hundreds of people clamored at its doors vying for admittance. The Moulin Rouge was the "rendezvous du high life" (the meeting place of high-class people). The elite of Paris society gathered within the nightclub's walls to enjoy the spectacular shows and ambiance. The atmosphere of the Moulin Rouge was so awe-inspiring that the artist Henri Toulouse-Lautrec captured it in many of his paintings.

  1889 年10月5日,巴黎著名的歌舞夜总会“红磨坊”首度开演。它是该 市最热门的景点,有上百位民众在场外门口叫嚣竞相入场。“红磨坊”是上流社会的聚会场所,巴黎社会的精英分子聚集在夜总会里,享受着壮观的表演以及氛围。“红磨坊”的现场气氛相当令人震撼,因此法国画家亨利‧德‧图卢兹-洛特雷克便将这种氛围充分描绘在他的许多画作里。

  The Moulin Rouge was a combined dance hall and cabaret. Dancers danced the celebrated cancan to the sound of a live orchestra. The building housed a massive dance floor, mirrored walls, and a fashionable gallery. In the garden stood an outdoor stage and an enormous wooden elephant. There were also donkeys that ladies would ride after removing their stockings.


  The Moulin Rouge is still in existence today, but its splendor is now for the tourists of the world who pop in for the nightly shows.



  1. 比较 for the first time 与 the first time的不同:

  a. for the first time 生平第一次、首度


  Peter had participated in many speech contests and had never won any prizes. Yesterday, however, he won a prize for the first time, and he was on cloud nine.



  *be on cloudnine 乐不可支(非正式用语)

  b. the first time  往往视作连词,表示“第一次……时”,之后要接主语及动 词,形成时间状语从句,修饰主句。

  The first time I dated Mary, I was quite nervous and didn't know what to say to her.


  2. 本课第一段第一句即使用了短语 for the first time,表“首度”。

  On October 5, 1889, the famous Paris nightclub, the Moulin Rouge, opened its doors for the first time.


  3. 细说名词awe的用法:

  a. awe是名词,表“敬畏”或 “惊叹”,有下列固定用法: 

  hold sb in awe 令某人叹为观止

  be in awe of sb 对某人表示敬畏

  The beautiful view of the valley held us in awe.


  Believe it or not, I'm still in awe of my father even though he is no longer strict with me as he used be when I was a child.


  b. awe亦可作及物动词,表 “使敬畏”  或“使叹为观止”。

  The amazing performance of the young child playing the piano awed all of us (held all of us in awe).


  c. awe可与动词inspire(激励,激起)形成复合形容词awe-inspiring,表 “令人敬畏的”  或“令人叹为观止的”。

  Mr. Lin's fluent English is awe-inspiring.


  The beautiful scenery in front of us is awe-inspiring. 



  The atmosphere of the Moulin Rouge was so awe-inspiring that the artist Henri Toulouse-Lautrec...


  d. awe 亦可与 some 结合,形成形容词 awesome,表“很棒的”


  A:Let's eat out for a change tonight.

  B:Awesome /Great!



  The movie I saw yesterday was awesome.


  比:The movie I saw yesterday was awful.


  *awful adj.可怕的;很差的


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