
【零起点英语】第225讲:Campus Violence 校园暴力

【零起点英语】第225讲:Campus Violence 校园暴力
2020年10月30日 15:25 新浪网 作者 北京外语广播

  Being teased, threatened and hit is part of a normal day for many students. These children and teens are sadly the victims of bullies. In recent years, victims have started to take action and stand up for themselves. They are fighting back and trying to stop the harassment and abuse that they receive. Some victims have even started to try and protect themselves by carrying weapons to school. Unfortunately, several shootings in the United States have been the results of victims of school bullies striking back at their bullies.


  The typical victim is usually shy and sensitive. He or she may be overweight, physically small, or different from other students. They are targets because they don't "fit in" with the other students. On the flip side, bullies long for power and are unable to feel the pain of another person or empathize. Statistics show that one in four kids who bully will end up with a criminal record before he or she reaches the age of 30. In the end, bullies need help as much as the victims, and it is up to parents to get this job done.

  典型的受害者通常都是既害羞又敏感。他们可能是过于肥胖、太瘦弱,或 者是和其他同学不太一样。他们之所以会成为受欺负的对象,原因是他们无法和其他同学打成一片。另外,那些校园小霸王渴望得到权力,却无法感受他人的痛苦及设身处地为别人着想。统计数字显示,每四个小霸王当中就有一位在未满30岁之前便会落得有犯罪纪录在身的下场。最终的结果是,这些小霸王就跟受害者一样需要帮助,而此时这项工作就必须仰赖他们的父母来完成了。


  1. 介绍名词 threat  及动词 threaten的用法:

  a threat  n.威胁(常用于下列短语)

  = menace

  pose a(threat,menace) to sb / sth  对某人∕某物构成威胁

  There is no doubt that global warming is posing a threat to human survival. 


  b. threaten vt.威胁

  threaten to +V 威胁要…… 

  threaten to +N 威胁……

  The terrorists threatened to kill all the hostages if their demands weren't met. 这帮恐怖分子提出的要求若未获得回应,他们威胁要杀害所有人质。

  Climate change isthreatening the agriculture the world over.


  c. threaten 亦可作不及物动词,指台风、沙尘暴等“逼近”。

  I've heard there's a typhoon (which is) threatening. Let's take precautions before it's too late. 


  2. 本课第一段第一句即使用及物动词 threaten的被动语态:

  Being teased, threatened and hit is part of a normal day for many students.


  3. 复习短语动词 end up的用法:

  a. end up等同wind up(wind的三种时态为:wind,wound, wound),译成“到头来”,之后须接现在分词作补足语。

  The gambler ended up(wound up) to lose everything. (×)         

  → The gambler ended up(wound up) losing everything. (√) 


  b. end up / wind up 之后若为 be 动词,变成现在分词 being之后,均予 省略。

  The millionaire ended up(wound up)(being) a beggar(homeless).


  c.  end up / wind up  之后可直接接介词短语作主语。

  The thug ended up(wound up) in jail. 


  4. 本课第二段倒数第二句即使用“end up +  介词短语”的结构:

  Statistics show that one in four kids who bully will end up with a criminal record(介词短语) before he or she reaches the age of 30. 统计数字显示,每四个小霸王当中就有一位在未满 30岁之前便会落得 有犯罪纪录在身的下场。


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