
【零起点英语】第226讲:Working Animals 职场动物

【零起点英语】第226讲:Working Animals 职场动物
2020年10月31日 12:29 新浪网 作者 北京外语广播

  Before the age of mechanization, camels, horses, donkeys and other four-legged creatures made it much easier for people to travel and transport things over long distances. Horses and oxen performed a vital role in agriculture, and they continue to do so in many countries today.


  In parts of Asia, elephants help in the logging and construction industries. The canary, a species of bird, has saved thousands of lives by alerting coal miners to the presence of dangerous gas; if the bird falls unconscious, it is time for the workers to get out fast! Another bird, the pigeon, was the earliest carrier of airmail.

  在亚洲部分地区,大象对伐木业和建筑业提供帮助。一种名叫金丝雀的鸟在危险的沼气出现时,会警告煤矿工人,数以千计的煤矿工人得以获救。 只要煤矿工人看到金丝雀失去知觉,就是他们快速冲出矿坑的时候!另外一种鸟是鸽子,它们是最早的航空邮件信差。

  Nowadays, dogs assist people in a wide variety of ways. Among other things, they guard property, herd sheep, guide the blind, help in earthquakes, mountain and water rescues, and sniff out drugs and other illegal substances for police and customs officials. We should also spare a thought for cats. From ships to railway stations and factories to farm buildings, they help to safeguard public health by catching rats and other vermin. Can you think of any other way in which working animals help people?



  1. 介绍 age作名词的意思及用法:

  a. age  可表“年代”,与介词 in  并用,如:

  in the modern age 在现代,当今

  = in modern times

  = in this day and age

  People in the modern age(in modern times,in this day and age today) enjoy a lot more material comforts than (those) in the past.


  注意:表“过去的时光”或“往昔”则使用 in olden times、in olden days 或 in the past,如上例;表“古代”则说 in ancient times。

  b. age  也可表“年纪”,有下列重要用法:

  at the age of +数字   在若干岁时

  John left home to carve out his career at the age of 20(when he was 20,when he was 20 years old,when he was 20 years of age).


  What age are you?

  = How old areyou?


  People my age(who are my age,who are as old as I am) are crazy about video games, but I'm an exception because I think playing them is just a waste of time.


  Son,I started to make a living on my own at your age(when I was your age,when I was as old as you are now).


  Mary is already 40, but she doesn't look her age(look as old as she really is).

  玛丽已经 40 岁了,但她的实际年龄却看不出来。

  或:Mary is already 40, but she looks young for her age.

  玛丽已经 40 岁了,看起来却比实际年龄年轻。


  That man looks old for his age.


  come of age 长大成人

  You are coming of age and should act your age.


  in ages  或 for ages表“有好一阵子”或“有好长一段时间”。

  I haven’t seen John in ages(for ages,for a long time). How has he been?


  2. 介绍 age作动词的意思及用法:

  a. age可作不及物动词,表“老化”。

  Time flies. We're aging now(We're getting old now).


  b. age也可变成过去分词aged,因意思不同,有两种读音:

  1) aged用于下列结构:

  be aged +数字  年龄有若干岁

  Tim is aged 16 now.

  = Tim is 16 years old(of age) now.

  提姆现年 16  岁。

  The little boy, (who is) aged 8, plays the piano very well.


  2) aged只作形容词,表“年迈的”,之后需接名词。 

  I visit my aged grandparents once a month. 


  3. 本课第一段第一句即使用age作名词,表“年代”或“时代”:

  Before the age of mechanization,...



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