
很荣幸正式加入@世界经济论坛 “全球杰出青年社区”Global Shapers

很荣幸正式加入@世界经济论坛 “全球杰出青年社区”Global Shapers
2019年03月24日 22:27 爱英语斯坦作者:Utroypia


  很荣幸正式加入@世界经济论坛 “全球杰出青年社区”Global Shapers!期待和伙伴们一起创造更多价值!Killin’ it! Beijing ll Hub @Petros白特思 @JonasWolf The Global Shapers Community, founded by the World Economic Forum, is a network of inspiring young people working together to address local, regional and global challenges.


  很荣幸正式加入@世界经济论坛 “全球杰出青年社区”Global Shapers!期待和伙伴们一起创造更多价值!Killin’ it! Beijing ll Hub @Petros白特思 @JonasWolf The Global Shapers Community, founded by the World Economic Forum, is a network of inspiring young people working together to address local, regional and global challenges.


  很荣幸正式加入@世界经济论坛 “全球杰出青年社区”Global Shapers!期待和伙伴们一起创造更多价值!Killin’ it! Beijing ll Hub @Petros白特思 @JonasWolf The Global Shapers Community, founded by the World Economic Forum, is a network of inspiring young people working together to address local, regional and global challenges.


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