阿兰·德波顿(Alain de Botton)这一篇阐述的道理,令人振聋发聩,是译者真正值得琢磨和翻译的佳作良品。笔者将原译制视频中文字幕略有不准确的地方,试着在下面文本稿中做了修改,便于与朋友们分享交流。
阿兰•德波顿:情商教育到底有多重要 (双语) |day4-Alain de Botton系列
Emotional intelligence is the quality thatenables us to confront [withpatience, insight and imagination] the many problems that we face in our affective relationship with ourselvesand with other people.
The term, Emotional intelligence, may soundodd. We used to referring tointelligence just as a general quality. Without unpicking a particular varietya person might possess, and therefore we don't tend to highlight the value of adistinctive sort of intelligence, which currently does not enjoy the prestige it should.
Every sort of intelligence signals an ability to navigate well around a particular setof challenges: mathematical, linguistic, technical, commercial. When we saysomeone is clever, but add that they'vemade a mess of their personal lives; or that they've acquired a fortune butare restless and sad; or that theyare powerful but intolerant andunimaginative. We're pointing toa deficitin what deserves to be called emotional intelligence.

In social life, we can feel the presence of emotional intelligencein the sensitivity to the moods ofothers, and in the readiness tograsp the surprising things that may begoing on for other people beneathsurface.
Emotional intelligence recognizes a rolefor interpretation, and knows that for example, a fiery outburst might be a disguised plea for help; or the longpolitical rant may be provoked byhunger; or that concealed within a forceful jolliness may be a sorrow that has been sentimentally disavowed.
In relation to ourselves, emotionalintelligence shows up in a skepticismaround our emotions, especially those of love, desire, anger, envy, anxietyand professional ambition. The emotionally intelligent refuse to just trusttheir first impulses, or inherent wisdom of their feelings. Theyknow that hatred may mask love, thatanger may be a cover for sadness, and we're prone to huge and costlyinaccuracies around whom we desire and what we really want.
Emotional intelligence is also whatdistinguishes those who are crushed byfailure from those who know how togreet the troubles of existence with amelancholy and at points darkly humorous resilience.
The emotionally intelligent appreciate the role of well-handledpessimism within the overall economy of a good life. Emotional intelligenceisn't an inborn talent. It's always a result of education, specificallyeducation in how to interpret ourselves, in where our emotions arise from, in how our childhoodsinfluence us, and in how we might bestnavigate our fears and our wishes.

In the ideal society, it would be routine to be taught emotionalintelligence from the youngest age before we'd had the opportunity to make toomany mistakes.
It's because we have, until now, not takenemotional education seriously enough that our species has grown ever more technically adept while retaining the levelof wisdom of our earliest days with catastrophic results. We're now evolved monkeys with nuclear weapons.It appears that fate of civilization depends on our capacity to master the mechanismsof emotional education before it's toolate.
And emotional education means something far beyond just normal education as we conceived of it to date. Though itshould ideally include courses in every year of school or college, emotionaleducation is more than something that should just take place in classrooms, atthe hands of teachers and come to a halt around the age of 21.
The centralvehicle for the transfer of emotional intelligence is culture, from itshighest to its most popular level. Culture is the field that can ritualizeand consistently promote the absorption ofemotional intelligence.
The lessons might be embedded in a tragedy or a TV series, a pop song or a novel, awork of a architecture or a YouTube film. We can envisage the entire apparatusof culture as a subtle mechanism designed to point us towards greater emotionalintelligence.
We will never progress as a species andwill indeed grow into a ever greater technologically-armedmenaces to ourselves, until we've accepted the challenges andopportunities of properly educating ourselves in emotional intelligence.
Our technical intelligence is great ofcourse. It's led us to tame natureand conquer this planet. But a wiser, sanerfuture for the human race must depend on the capacity to master and thenseductively teach one another the rudiments of emotional intelligence while there is still time.