

2020年12月05日 22:01 新浪网 作者 微博禁毒第一人马霄



  Photo by Horizon Content from Pexels

  Why do we eat so much?为什么会吃多?

  One reason is buffet lunches – they need no explanation. Business dinners that last for hours also encourage people to eat too much. Dinner parties with friends are also culprits, as being in a good mood gives you an appetite. Eating too quickly because you are busy can also be a problem. It takes 20 minutes for the brain to receive a warning of overeating, so wolfing lunch in 10 minutes is not a good idea. Finally, skipping meals due to work pressure can lead to binge-eating in the evening.原因之一是自助餐,这无需多言。持续时间过长的商务宴请也会让人吃多。与朋友聚餐也是罪魁祸首,因为心情好会让你胃口大开。工作太忙吃得太急是个问题。大脑接到吃饱了的信号需要20分钟,所以10分钟的狼吞虎咽不是个好主意。最后,由于工作压力而不吃饭会导致晚上暴饮暴食。

  What wrong about overeating?吃多会造成什么问题?

  “Taking in half the food that your stomach can contain is enough for you to survive. Eating too much places a burden on your organs and causes many health problems,” heath education expert Hong Shaoguang said.健康教育专家洪昭光说:“每天摄入的食物,只需要达到胃的容量的一半,就足够人一天所需了。否则,只会让机体超负荷运转,造成一系列健康问题。”

  Health risks:健康风险:

  Obesity: Countless scientific studies have proved that obesity causes heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, arteriosclerosis and other complications.肥胖:无数科学研究证实,肥胖会带来包括心血管疾病、高血压、糖尿病、动脉硬化以及由此引起的各种并发症。

  Gastropathy: Overeating can cause severe indigestion even damage the gastrointestinal tract.胃病:吃得过饱所带来的危害是严重的消化不良甚至损害胃肠道。

  Fatigue: Overeating slows brain reactions and accelerates the brain’s aging process.疲劳:吃得过饱,会引起大脑反应迟钝,加速大脑的衰老。

  Cancer: Japanese scientists have found that overeating can switch off a gene that combats cancer.癌症:日本科学家发现,吃得太饱会抑制细胞抗癌因子。

  Dementia: Japanese experts have found that 30 to 40 percent of senile dementia patients overate when they were younger.老年痴呆:日本专家还发现,大约有30%—40%的老年痴呆病人,在青壮年时期都有饱食的习惯。

  Osteoporosis: Regular overeating decalcifies bones and increases the risk of Osteoporosis (brittle bone disease).骨质疏松:长期饱食易使骨骼脱钙,患骨质疏松的概率会大大提高。

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