
被国人吐槽的“迪士尼花木兰”,受到了西方舆论的追捧… | 老外看中国

被国人吐槽的“迪士尼花木兰”,受到了西方舆论的追捧… | 老外看中国
2019年07月23日 18:00 新浪网 作者 铁血军事

  专栏 | 老外看中国



  被国人吐槽的“迪士尼花木兰”,受到了西方舆论的追捧… | 老外看中国



  Chinese history is so interesting and so neglected by most other nations and I must admit guilt in that but as of late I find it so interesting! There is a lot of national pride in the history I noticed and it was quite a wonderful history also!

  中国的历史是如此有趣,也很大程度上被大多数其他国家忽视了。我必须承认对此有点羞愧,但最近我发现它是如此有趣! 我注意到有很多能引起民族自豪感的事,这也是一段非常精彩的历史!

  Seems that loyalty was a very valued commodity and art was more of a philosophy that conveyed expression and beauty! Can you suggest some good starting point for research ?!

  忠诚似乎很被人们所看重,而这些艺术作品更像是一种传达表达和美的哲学! 如果我想进行深入地研究,你能为此提出一些好的出发点吗?

  2、John Roberts

  It's patronising to describe a full-grown woman as a girl. It's such attitudes that make females in battle so surprising.


  The attitude conveyed is that females are considered generally incapable of such feats, presumably because of deficiencies inherent to their gender, and that when they do such things it's more remarkable because everyone expected them to fail and they didn't.


  被国人吐槽的“迪士尼花木兰”,受到了西方舆论的追捧… | 老外看中国

  3、Kaal Kyuusaisha

  That.Was.Amazing!! Thank you for sharing these stories. Mulan's story is really inspiring and incredible.


  I see the greatness and strength of women from it! This made me instantly fall in love with China: a country that respects women, must not be bad!


  4、Ben Bravo

  Chinese women have warrior DNA and not a lady type like in the west.


  They can protect you and your family, but they are not just asking for rights and evading obligations, as Western women do. Their status itself has gone beyond equality.


  There are many such heroines in Chinese history:Hua Mu Lan、She Sai Hua、Mu Gui Ying、Qing Liang Yu、Tang Sai Er、Fu Hao、Xun Guan...

  中国历史上有许多这样的女英雄:花木兰、佘赛花 、穆桂英 、秦良玉、 唐赛儿 、妇好、 荀灌 ....

  被国人吐槽的“迪士尼花木兰”,受到了西方舆论的追捧… | 老外看中国

  In short, these women have not been deliberately neglected in Chinese history because of their female identity. They are respected by all Chinese people.


  出乎意料,在外国网友“Ben Bravo”罗列出一大串中国女性英雄人物的姓名之后,评论区的外国网友陷入了“震惊模式”....

  1、King Porus

  God, do you mean that China is more than just Mulan? It's hard to imagine what kind of country it is. Women can have the same opportunities as men.



  This is not the case. The polarization of women's status in ancient China is a complex issue, but after all, few women go to the battlefield, otherwise Mulan will not wear men's clothes.


  被国人吐槽的“迪士尼花木兰”,受到了西方舆论的追捧… | 老外看中国


  I know Fu Hao, about 3000 years ago, she led Chinese soldiers to successfully resist the Aryan invasion, but India failed to resist, so today India has a caste system.


  That's a great woman. She was the queen of King Wuding of Shang Dynasty. In a sense, she saved Chinese civilization. Otherwise, today's China will be the same as India.


  4、Fapp It Hard

  Generally speaking, before the Yuan Dynasty in ancient China, women had a considerable social status, but the rule of Mongolia disintegrated all this. Although a small amount of recovery was achieved in the Ming Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty made women thoroughly the property of men.


  The process of ideological imprisonment is accompanied by the decline of women's status.


  被国人吐槽的“迪士尼花木兰”,受到了西方舆论的追捧… | 老外看中国

  5、Sugar-loving Ellie

  I like your remark about "The process of ideological imprisonment is accompanied by the decline of women's status."。


  I am a New Yorker. From 2014 to 2016, I worked in China for two years. Although I don't want to admit it, I can affirm that the actual status of Chinese women is higher than that of American women. Even though American men verbally respect women, they can't change this fact.


  American men are saying, but Chinese men are doing it!


  6、Texas fighters

  God, look at "Little Ellie working in China." Don't you know that the United States is the largest democracy in the world?


  Maybe you should find a Chinese man instead of an American boy who respects women verbally.


  被国人吐槽的“迪士尼花木兰”,受到了西方舆论的追捧… | 老外看中国

  7、Lol Idk what my name is

  @Texas fighters,You really humiliate me, red neck!

  @Texas fighters,你真让我感到耻辱,红脖子!(美国地域黑名词,专指美国南部地区低教育的穷困白人)

  We are just discussing the status of women. Do you think we should not respect women?


  8、Doomsday Flowers

  China has the most beautiful stories and the most amazing history, but it seems that the Chinese do not value them. Like Kung Fu Panda and Mulan, it is the Americans who bring them onto the screen and introduce them to the world.


  不得不说,外国网友“Doomsday Flowers”的话对于中国人而言是相当“刺痛的”:







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