
【零起点英语】第223讲:Swimming Hygiene 游泳卫生须知

【零起点英语】第223讲:Swimming Hygiene 游泳卫生须知
2020年10月28日 15:46 新浪网 作者 北京外语广播

  In the summer, people travel to beaches and pools to have fun. While swimming in local pools and beaches can been joyable, there are some things to be aware of.Normally, swimming in public pools is safe. Sometimes, though, diseases can be passed through dirty water. If you have diarrhea, stay out ofwater where other people swim. Bacteria from your body can get into the water and make others ill. If you go swimming, try not to swallow any water.This is how illnesses are passed from person to person. Chemicals in the pool do not kill these types of bacteria. To prevent yourself and others from getting sick, you should always take a shower before getting in the water. Washingyour hands after going to the bathroom is also helpful.

  夏天大家都会到海边或是游泳池痛快玩一番。在当地游泳池或海边玩虽然会 很好玩,但有些事情需要知道。一般来说,在公共游泳池游泳很安全,但有时疾病可能经由脏水传播。如果你拉肚子,远离其他人游泳的地方。你身上的细菌会进入水中而让其他人生病。你若去游泳时,尽量不要把泳池的水吞下肚,这是人与人之间疾病传播的途径。游泳池中的化学药剂并不能完全杀死这类细菌。为避免自己与他人生病,都应先淋浴再下水。上完厕所洗手也很有帮助。

  Athlete's foot can also be picked up from the ground near a pool. When you are walking around, it is in your best interest to wear sandals. This will help cut down your chances of getting it. Swimming after all, is a fun way to relax, but with these thoughts in mind, it can also be safer for everyone.



  1. 复习 while作连词的用法:

  a. 当……在……时 (= during the time that...);在……的同时 (=at the same time as...)

  Could you turn down the music a bit while/ during the time that I'm studying?


  While/During the time that I was in Kyoto last summer, I had a great time walking around in that old city. 


  While I'm doing the cooking, I need you to set the table for me,honey.

  At the same time as I'm doing the cooking, I need you to set the table for me, honey.


  b. 虽然(= though/although)

  While your idea sounds good, I don't think it will work.

  = Although your idea sounds good, I don't think it will work.


  c. (两件事物∕两个人对比时)而……

  I love outdoor activities, while / whereas my wife enjoys staying home listening to music.

  While / Whereas I love outdoor activities, my wife enjoys staying home listening to music. 我喜欢户外活动,而我妻子则喜欢待在家里听音乐。

  2. while亦可作动词,有下列固定短语:

  while away thetime 打发时间

  = kill time

  On weekends, I read novels and listen to music to while away the  time.


  3. while 亦可作名词,表''一段时间'' (= a length of time),有下列常用短语:for a (long) while 有好一阵子

  Jane and I have been dating for a while, but we are not planning on getting married yet.


  4. 本课第二段第一句句首使用了athlete's foot,有语法概念的读者不免疑问athlete(运动员)是可数名词,为何此处之前未置不定冠词 an?且 foot脚)是可数名词,人有两只脚,为何此处不使用 feet?其实本词组 athlete's foot 视作一种病,表 ''足癣'' 或''香港脚'',因此为不可数名词,之前不置任何冠词。

  He has athlete's foot(liver cancer,diabetes).



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