

2020年10月30日 12:00 新浪网 作者 北京国际图书博览会

  2020BIBF云书展首次采用线上联展方式,全新打造了集版权展示、洽谈、贸易于一体的Rights Link平台,帮助中外出版社交流合作,实现“足不出户寻版权,畅游云端做贸易”。

  VLP Agency

  WhoWe Are

  VLP Literary Agency代理了15余位来自智利、秘鲁和乌拉圭的知名获奖作家、插画家,以及17家来自拉丁美洲、西班牙的出版社,这些出版社的书目致力于使不同年龄、不同品味的读者都能够享受文学的乐趣。


  VLP Literary Agency represents more than fifteen renowned and award-winning authors and illustrators from Chile, Perú and Uruguay, and seventeen prestigious publishing houses from Latin America and Spain whose book catalogues are committed to making readers from all ages and tastes enjoy the pleasures and adventures of literature.

  We have carefully selected the best books for children and young adults. Books that not only will equip them with knowledge but also will support their emotional and intellectual growth. Within our books you will also find some aimed to entertain, tell a good story or amaze readers with illustrations taken from the most creative authors’ minds.


  A Long Journey

  作品:A Long Journey

  作者:Biego Muñoz Valenzuela,他的短篇故事已经在中国市场出版,他将带领我们品味一场漫长而细腻的情感之旅。

  A Long Journey by Diego Muñoz Valenzuela, an author who has been already published in the Chinese market with his short stories and who will invite us on this occasion to take a long but exquisite journey through our emotions.


  Behind the Growing Glass

  作品:Behind the Glowing Glass

  作者:Antonia Bañados,这是一本精美的插画书,讲述了一位住在苏格兰的艺术家的故事,这也是她的收官之作。

  Behind the Glowing Glass by Antonia Bañados, a graphic novel of impeccable work which tells the story of a resident artist in Scotland and her final project. An exciting book, which explores the limits of art.


  Drawings of Hiroshima

  作品:Drawings of Hiroshima

  作者:Marcelo Simonetti,这是获奖作家Marcelo的最后一部小说。在这个故事中,主人公Yasuhiro Nakata踏上了一段从智利港口前往广岛的旅程,因为10年前,他的祖父因为原子弹爆炸从广岛移民到智利。

  Drawings of Hiroshima, is the last novel written by the award winning author, Marcelo Simonetti. In this story the protagonist Yasuhiro Nakata embarks on a journey that will take him from Valparaiso — the historic Chilean port —  to Hiroshima, from where his grandfather emigrated ten years before the atomic disaster.


  Natural Journey

  作品:Natural Journey

  作者:Josefina Hepp, Vivian Lavín and María Jose Arce,这本书从植物学家、记者和插画家的角度出发,邀请读者在“植物的智慧”的简短纪事和精美的插图中探索乐趣。这本书旨在告诉读者,植物就像人类一样,会进化、欺骗和进行诱惑等行为。

  Natural Journey by Josefina Hepp, Vivian Lavín and María Jose Arce is a book that invites to find pleasure in brief chronicles and beautiful drawings about 'plant intelligence' from the perspective of a botanist, a journalist and an illustrator. A journey that aims to teach how nature, same as humans, mutates, deceives and seduces.

  La coleccion de los tulipanes negros

  by Juan José Vidal


  The Black Tulip Collection

  作品:The Black Tulip Collection

  作者:José Vidal,这是一本情节发生在中国的小说,讲述了一位武术大师和他的徒弟与牧师Mateo Ricci在16世纪发生的故事。这本书情节生动,语言幽默风趣,是一本值得阅读的小说。

  The Black Tulip Collection, an exciting black novel that takes place in China, written by Juan José Vidal. The story of a martial arts master and his disciple who confront each other about the secrets of the Jesuit priest Mateo Ricci from the 16th century, a story full of fascinating elements and where humor plays an essential role.


  Vivian Lavín


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