

2019年09月30日 14:05 新浪网 作者 雅思哥



  China’s long-distance lorry drivers are unsung heroes of its economy


  What is it like to join this invisible army?


  1. AROUND FIVE in the morning is the mostlethal time on China’s motorways, says a transport-industry veteran. The peril comes from long-distance lorry drivers, whose vehicles may have been rolling for days, pausing only for fuel and the rest stops required by law: 20 minutes every four hours, with no daily limit on driving. As dawn breaks, a long-haul trucker may be munching sunflower seeds and sipping cold tea to stay awake, while a driving partner dozes on a bunk bed. To help that partner sleep, the windows may be closed. The only sound may be the tinny tones of a satellite-navigation device. Such drivers “are like ticking bombs, you don’t know if they are awake or asleep,” says the veteran, adding that as a result wise travellers avoid highways until after seven.


  2. If that makes drivers sound a bit unloved, the reality is sadder. Many Chinese do not think about long-haul lorries enough to be scared of them. China’s 30m lorry drivers are vital but invisible. Their toil helped the country become a manufacturing juggernaut. It is now feeding a consumer-spending boom, as middle-class Chinese order anything from a sofa to a selfie-stick with a tap on a smartphone, for express delivery at cut-price rates. This explosion in mobility, involving the creation of a vast highway network and a high-techlogisticsindustry in less than a generation, has brought Chinese truckers neither fame nor respect. When America and western Europe experienced similar transport booms in the 20th century, popular culture made folk heroes of long-distance drivers—brawny, taciturn types who prefer to braveblizzards than obey a foreman on a factory floor. Hollywood made films about wisecracking, heartbreaking truckers outsmarting policemen and other authority figures. Country singers recorded tributes like the hit of 1975, “Convoy” (“Ain’t nothin’ gonna get in our way”). Soon after becoming president Donald Trump invited truckers to the White House, climbed into a big rig and blasted its air horn, burnishing his blue-collar rebel credentials.

  如果这让司机们听起来有点不受欢迎的话,那么事实就更令人难过了。许多中国人认为长途卡车没什么好怕的。中国3000万卡车司机至关重要,但却不为人所知。他们的辛勤劳动帮助这个国家成为制造业巨头。如今,随着中国中产阶级以低价订购任何商品,从沙发到智能手机自拍杆,快递业正在推动消费繁荣。在不到一代人的时间里,庞大的高速公路网和高科技物流产业的出现,使得中国卡车司机的流动性激增,但这既没有给他们带来声誉,也没有给他们带来尊重。当美国和西欧在20世纪经历了类似的交通繁荣时,流行文化使得长途司机成为了民间英雄——他们强壮、沉默寡言,宁愿冒着暴风雪也不愿服从工厂里的工头。好莱坞制作了一些电影,讲述睿智的的卡车司机如何智胜警察和其他权威人士的故事。乡村歌手们录制了像1975年的热门单曲《护卫队》(“没有什么能阻挡我们”)这样的致敬歌曲。当选总统后不久,唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)邀请卡车司机到白宫,爬上一个大平台,吹响了汽笛,为他的蓝领反叛者形象增添光彩。

  3. Chaguan recently cadged a ride from Liu Chengbing, a 43-year-old lorry driver, as he began a run from Beijing to a chemicals plant in the coastal city of Jiaxing. Back in the 1990s drivers had a pretty high status, Mr Liu recalled. They earned good salaries, though most had only a middle-school education. They could make a still better living if they bought their own lorry and then touted for jobs, perhaps by handing out cards at factories. Self-employment is harder today. Margins are shrinking and repeat deliveries go to logistics firms. In June 2018 caravans of drivers used social media to organise nationwide protests about fuel prices, low incomes and the market dominance of a few, Uber-like load-finding apps.


  4. Mr Liu sometimes takes his wife along in the cab to help with navigation, parking, food and accounts—a common practice. Like so many migrant workers, Mr Liu lives in the east, near Hangzhou, leaving his sons, 16 and 12, with their grandparents in rural Sichuan. Mr Liu can earn over 10,000 yuan ($1,400) a month. At least as a specialist driver of dangerous goods his hours are limited, and night-driving banned. Asked why lorry drivers are not heroes in Chinese films, he snorts, adjusting the brace that he wears for a painful back. “When I load stuff at the factory, the security guard sort of orders me around. That shows you our status,” he says. Near Cangzhou, south of Beijing, a traffic jam allows Mr Liu time for a swift roadside pee, a cigarette and a spot of kung-fu style high-kicking. He does not chat with nearby drivers. Truckers are not especially sociable, Mr Liu explains, back in the cab. One exception is on social media such as WeChat, where drivers share tips about bad traffic, good food and clean guesthouses. Some lorry drivers, including some of the roughtly one in 25 who are women, have built followings on Kuaishou, a video-sharing app. Mr Liu does not fear self-driving lorries taking jobs. “Maybe for smaller cars,” he muses. But for big lorries like his, hauling a tank of sulphuric acid plastered with warning signs, “you’re going to need a guy.”


  5. A nationwide survey of the industry, published by the Social Sciences Academic Press in 2018, found that more than 71% of drivers own their vehicles, often after borrowing heavily. A big majority are from rural areas and are married with children. On average, drivers see their families once every 20 days. Asked if they would like their children to drive lorries, nearly 96% said no.

  社会科学文献出版社(Social Sciences Academic Press)在2018年发布的一项针对汽车行业的全国性调查发现,超过71%的司机拥有自己的汽车,这通常是大量借贷买的。绝大多数卡车司机来自农村地区,已婚并有孩子。平均而言,他们每20天会见一次家人。当被问及是否愿意让孩子开卡车时,近96%的人表示不愿意。

  Rugged individualists with Chinese characteristics


  6. Mats Harborn, a Beijing-based executive at Scania, a Swedish lorry-maker, has devoted years to promoting a Western-style “truck culture” in China, including driving contests that hail truckers as “heroes”. In part, this is to sell expensive imported lorries with fuel efficiency that makes them good value in the long run, but only if they are well driven. In part, Mr Harborn sees a broader need to help China develop a safe, sophisticated transport sector, rather than a “Wild East” industry plagued by overcapacity.

  瑞典卡车制造商斯堪尼亚(Scania)驻北京高管马茨•哈伯恩(Mats Harborn)多年来一直致力于在中国推广西式的“卡车文化”,包括将卡车司机誉为“英雄”的驾驶比赛。在某种程度上,这是为了销售价格昂贵、燃油效率高的进口卡车,从长远来看,是很有价值的,但前提是它们的驾驶性能良好。在一定程度上,哈伯恩认为,更广泛的需要是帮助中国发展一个安全、先进的运输业,而不是一个深受产能过剩困扰的“狂野东方”行业。

  7. Imported lorries are mostly bought by big logistics firms, and give drivers bragging rights among their peers, says Harry Huang of Volvo Trucks, another Swedish firm. Their comfort and safety—including gadgets that brake automatically if they detect a sleepy driver—may help deal with the industry’s chronic recruitment problems, he suggests, standing on the sidelines of a Volvo driving contest in the southern province of Guangdong. One contestant, Shao Panpan, drives the same route all year, connecting Suzhou with Harbin, more than 2,300km to the north. Each leg involves four days of non-stop driving, shared with a partner. He likes the job, and does not mind sharing a cab for days on end. “The partner thing is like a marriage, you need to get along and compromise,” Mr Shao says. Still,round-the-clock driving is hard. “Our bodies wear out faster than other people’s.” He can expect little thanks.

  瑞典另一家沃尔沃卡车公司的Harry Huang说,进口卡车大多由大型物流公司购买,这给了司机们在同行中吹嘘的权利。他站在广东省沃尔沃驾驶比赛的边线上表示,这些汽车的舒适性和安全性——它装有能在司机打瞌睡的时候自动刹的设备——可能有助于解决该行业长期存在的招聘难问题。参赛选手邵盼盼(音译)全年都在同一条路线上行驶,从苏州到哈尔滨,全程2300多公里。每次行程都需要连续四天不间断的驾驶,他和同伴一起轮流着来。他喜欢这份工作,也不介意连续几天和别人合开一辆车。邵表示:“与伙伴搭伙就像婚姻,你需要相处和妥协。”尽管如此,24小时的全天候驾驶还是很困难的。“我们的身体比别人磨损得快。”他并不指望得到什么感谢。








  lethal /'liːθ(ə)l/ adj. 致命的,致死的n. 致死因子


  It is unwise to carry lethal weapons.


  veteran /'vet(ə)r(ə)n/ n. 经验丰富的人; 老兵;退伍军人


  Tony Leung Chiu Wai is a veteran actor (=a veteran of screen).


  peril /'perɪl/ n. 危险;冒险vt. 危及;置…于险境


  Technology has enormous promise but also peril.


  munch /mʌn(t)ʃ/ vt. 用力咀嚼;大声咀嚼


  He was munching an apple.


  bunk /bʌŋk/ n. 铺位;座床;床铺vt. 为…提供铺位


  Finally Hermione climbed down from her bunk.


  invisible /ɪn'vɪzɪb(ə)l/ adj. 看不见的; 暗藏的


  Be invisible to对…不可见的


  Bacteria is something invisible to the eye.


  juggernaut /'dʒʌɡənɔ:t/ n. 重型卡车;巨大的力量


  But behind what has become a media and financial juggernaut, is a story of faith and hope.


  mobility/məu'biləti/ n. 迁移率;机动性;移动性


  An unprecedented test of social mobility looms.


  logistics /lə'dʒɪstɪks/ n. 后勤;物流


  logistic adj. 后勤学的;符号逻辑的


  Luckily for me, his other great strength is logistics.


  brawny /'brɔːnɪ/ adj. 强壮的;肌肉结实的


  And the muscles of his brawny arms Are strong as iron bands.


  taciturn /'tæsɪtɜːn/ adj. 沉默寡言的,不爱说话的


  But these men were a taciturn lot, picking their words carefully.


  blizzard /'blɪzəd/ n. 暴风雪;暴风雪似的一阵;大量


  The deadliest blizzard on record is the 1972 blizzard in Iran.


  wisecrack /'waɪzkræk/ n. 俏皮话v. 说俏皮话;俏皮地说


  It's pretty clear that she is undermining your path to success with her wisecracks and wordplay.


  outsmart /aʊt'smɑːt/ vt. 比…更聪明;用计谋打败


  I make men out of them and teach them never to let anyone outsmart them.


  burnish /'bɜːnɪʃ/ vt. 擦亮;使…光亮;将…打磨光亮n. 光泽;抛光;闪闪发光


  The craftsman burnished the brass plates until they glowed.


  credential /krɪ'denʃ(ə)l/ n. 外交使节所递的国书,信任状


  I would bet his credentials are fraudulent too.


  cadge /kædʒ/ v. 骗得白食;行乞;乞讨;贩卖


  He cadged fivers off old school friends.


  self-employment 自主创业;自雇


  Self-employment is an attractive choice and a good way for college students to start careers.


  dominance /'dɒmɪnəns/ n. 优势;支配地位;控制力


  dominancy n. 优势,统治

  dominant adj. 支配的,统治的;占优势的;显性的


  American dominance in the twentieth century spread the language even further.


  navigation /nævɪ'geɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 航行(学); 航海(术), 航空(术);导航, 领航


  Commercial air traffic is grounded, as pilots lose navigation and weather data.


  specialist /'speʃ(ə)lɪst/ n. 专家, 行家


  Dr. Washington is a specialist in genetics.


  snort /snɔːt/ vt. & vi. 喷鼻息(以表示不耐烦, 轻蔑等)n. 喷鼻息, 鼻息声


  He gave a snort of derision.


  sulphuric /sʌl'fjuərik/ adj. 硫磺的,含多量硫磺的


  The sulphuric acid ate into the parts of the metal where the coat of paint had peeled.


  rugged /'rʌgɪd/ adj. 粗糙的;坚固的;崎岖的;高低不平的


  rugged terrain崎岖地带

  rugged environment


  rugged individualism顽强的个人主义


  Farmers are inured to this rugged road.


  executive /ɪg'zekjʊtɪv/ n. 主管, 高级行政人员, 执行官;行政部门adj. 执行的, 行政的; 有行政能力的


  But for starters, you're my new junior executive executive's assistant.


  sophisticated /sə'fɪstɪkeɪtɪd/ adj. 老练的; 老于世故的;精密的, 尖端的;高雅的, 有教养的


  sophisticate n. 老于世故的人

  sophisticator n. 诡辩者,矫揉造作者,搀假者


  It is the most sophisticated multistage rocket.


  overcapacity /əʊvəkə'pæsɪtɪ/ n. 生产能力过剩


  It also acknowledged recent reform progress made in the country, such as improving financial regulation, reducing overcapacity and combating pollution.


  round-the-clock /'raundðə'klɔk/ adj. 全天的,全天候的,不分昼夜的,连续不停的


  But concerns that prosecutors may be targets has led to other Texas officials getting round-the-clock security.


  The peril comes from long-distance lorry drivers, whose vehicles may have been rolling for days, pausing only for fuel and the rest stops required by law: 20 minutes every four hours, with no daily limit on driving.

  这句话,句子的主干是:The peril comes from long-distance lorry drivers。后面的whose vehicles may have been rolling for days是一个whose引导的非限定性定语从句,修饰的是long-distance lorry drivers,说明那些vehicles是属于这些long-distance lorry drivers。再后面的pausing only for fuel and the rest stops required by law部分,是一个动词的现在分词引起的状语从句,补充说明这些long-distance lorry drivers主要是在那种情况下才会停下休息。最后冒号后面的内容是对前面的the rest stops required by law的解释,说明法律要求的休息具体是什么。

  Mats Harborn, a Beijing-based executive at Scania, a Swedish lorry-maker, has devoted years to promoting a Western-style “truck culture” in China, including driving contests that hail truckers as “heroes”.

  这个句子的主干是:Mats Harborn has devoted years to promoting a Western-style “truck culture” in China. 中间的a Beijing-based executive at Scania是Mats Harborn的同位语,说明Mats Harborn的身份,后面的a Swedish lorry-maker是Scania的同位语,说明Scania具体指的是什么,最后的including driving contests that hail truckers as “heroes”.补充说明这个比赛还包括什么。

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