
【BBC News精读】诺兰新电影《信条》口碑不如预期?

【BBC News精读】诺兰新电影《信条》口碑不如预期?
2020年09月05日 14:57 新浪网 作者 雅思哥


  *注:本文摘自8月21日BBC News

  Tenet review: ‘It feels like several blockbusters combined’


  Christopher Nolan’s latest is Hollywood’s first release in six months, but “it collapses under the weight of all the plot strands and concepts stuffed into it,” writes Nicholas Barber.


  1. Christopher Nolan’s Tenet is the first new Hollywood blockbuster to be released in cinemas in almost six months. The good news is that it is so sprawling, so epic, so crammed with exotic locations, snazzy costumes, shoot-outs and explosions that you get six months’ worth of big-screen entertainment in two and a half hours. Clearly, it never occurred to Nolan to tone it down every now and then. Having directed Inception, Interstellar, and the Dark Knight trilogy, he’s not someone you associate with quiet, intimate indie dramas. But it’s still startling to see a film so over-the-top that when one character asks if the villains are planning a nuclear holocaust, another character snaps: “No. Something worse.”


  2. The recipient of this unpleasant news is a cool and confident CIA agent (John David Washington, star of BlacKkKlansman) known only as the Protagonist. He is then told that certain objects scattered around the world are moving backwards through time: they were manufactured in the future and are heading into the past. In some way that I didn’t understand, an exposition-spouting scientist (Clémence Poésy) has worked out that these “inverted” objects are the remnants of a war which will be declared centuries from now, and will nonetheless wipe out the whole of history. Got that? No, me neither, but the point is that it makes a nuclear holocaust look like a game of dominos.


  3. Even that reality-smashing threat isn’t enough for Nolan, though. The Protagonist has only just had his beginner’s crash course in time travel when he dashes off on a mission which doesn’t seem to have much to do with it. First, he has to break into an arms dealer’s heavily-guarded flat in Mumbai with the aid of a louche British fixer, Robert Pattinson, who deserves his own spin-off film. Then, he has to pop to a posh restaurant in London for a briefing with a bigwig played by Nolan’s lucky charm, Michael Caine (the character is named Sir Michael in homage). Then, he’s instructed to liaise with a sadistic Russian oligarch, Kenneth Branagh, who conducts his business meetings while skimming over the waves on a top-of-the-range high-speed catamaran. But in order to do that, the Protagonist has to help the oligarch’s wife, Elizabeth Debicki, get out of her marriage by ... errrr ... crashing a jumbo jet into Oslo Airport and stealing a forged Goya drawing. Got that? Once again, me neither. But it is obvious that Nolan didn’t think of a single scene without thinking how he could make it more excessive and expensive.


  4. He has often said that he would like to direct a Bond movie, but he must have got tired of waiting for the producers to hire him, so he has gone ahead and made one of his own. From its opening action set piece, to its whistle-stop tour of international beauty spots, to its super-rich, heavily-accented bad guy with an army of expendable henchmen, Tenet follows the 007 formula to the letter – the only notable change being that the main role has been split in two, with Washington playing the tough, dedicated government agent, and Pattinson adding the English accent, the insouciant humour and the taste for alcohol.


  5. It’s a while before Nolan gets past this spy-movie stuff and moves on to time inversion. But when he does get there, he takes it to characteristic extremes. He stages frenetic car chases and gun battles in which different people are racing in different directions through the timestream, and he introduces lots of head-hurting ideas which the Protagonist seems to grasp in a second, but which some of us are still struggling with days afterwards. Basically, Tenet is a Bond movie which squeezes Back to the Future 2 and Edge of Tomorrow into its last half-hour.


  It collapses under the weight of all the plot strands and concepts stuffed into it.


  6. That sounds pretty tempting, and after a summer without summer blockbusters, I’m grateful for a film which feels like several blockbusters combined. But Nolan and his editor haven’t quite found the right balance between those blockbusters. That is, they have devoted so much of Tenet to the Bond-alike sequences that the later science-fiction sequences are frustratingly hurried, undeveloped and almost impossible to make sense of. The previous Nolan film which most resembles Tenet is Inception, but in Inception, the notion of popping in and out of meticulously designed dreams kept recurring from beginning to end. In Tenet, time inversion is pushed into the background for so long that you start to wonder if Nolan has forgotten about it. After all, we hear early on in the story that inverted objects could obliterate the universe as we know it. It’s hard to care, for the next hour or two, whether an oligarch’s wife is unhappy because she doesn’t see enough of her son, or which high-security vault contains a forged drawing.


  7. Again, you have to hand it to Nolan. To use the old expression, he puts the money on the screen, delivering the kind of noisy, extravagant and fundamentally ridiculous pulp fiction which reminds you why you go to the cinema. But it collapses under the weight of all the plot strands and concepts stuffed into it. You don’t get the impression, which you usually get from his films, that every element is precisely where it should be. Some parts of it go on too long, others not long enough. It’s a treat to see a really big film again, but a smaller one might have been better.




  P1: 《信条》上映,电影很让人惊奇。





  stuff into 把……塞入


  She had 500 leaflets to stuff into envelopes.  


  blockbuster/'blɒkbʌstə/ n. 重磅炸弹, 了不起的人或事


  That new movie is a blockbuster.


  sprawling /'sprɔ:liŋ/ adj. 蔓生的;不规则地伸展的

  sprawl vi. 伸开四肢坐〔躺〕;蔓延;杂乱无序地拓展;四肢伸展坐着(或躺着)n. (城市)杂乱无序拓展的地区;随意扩展;蔓延;蔓延物


  He sprawled his signature over the paper.


  cram with 充斥; 挤满了;


  The boat was crammed with what looked like an entire legion of Roman soldiers, who were now looking at Fishlegs with astonishment and fury.


  exotic/ɪg'zɒtɪk/ adj. 由外国引进的, 非本地的;奇异的, 醒目的, 吸引人的


  There are some exotic words in English language.


  snazzy/'snæzɪ/ adj. 漂亮的,时髦的,艳丽的


  She was wearing a snazzy little red number.


  shoot-out /'ʃu:taut/ n. 枪战;踢点球决胜


  A federal marshal was killed in a shoot-out.  


  tone it down降低语调;缓和语气;降低音调


  Dark text on a light background is best, but avoid white backgrounds — tone it down by using beige or another light color that will be easy on the eyes.  


  indie/ˈindi/ adj. (电影业)独立的n. 独立经营的电影院等


  an album of indie rock; an indie film company.


  After almost weathering the way, indie bookstores grew by 35 percent between 2009 and 2015.


  over-the-top /ˌəuvəðə'tɔp/ adj. 过多的;言过其实的;夸大其词的


  All these over-the-top demands involved midsize to large companies.  


  holocaust/'hɒləkɔːst/ n. 大屠杀;毁灭


  And people around the world marked international holocaust remembrance day.


  manufacture/mænjʊ'fæktʃə/vt. 制造;捏造n. 制造;制造品, 产品


  The company manufactures pulp and paper products.


  wipe out v. 消灭,彻底摧毁,擦掉


  The plague once could wipe out a village.


  in homage to 向…表示敬意


  He bowed in homage to the Unknown Soldier.


  lucky charm幸运符;护身符


  They even go to fortune tellers, buy lucky charms and follow old customs.




  Authorities say the explosion demolished a guard post outside the city's heavily-guarded police headquarters.


  dash off v. 匆忙完成


  And I want to share some alternatives with you, so that you'll make more connections, rather than having people dash off.  


  louche/luːʃ/ adj. 品德有问题的,声名狼籍的


  Her father was known as a kind of louche romantic, you know, a little bit seedy, a little bit crazy, a little bit wild.

  她的父亲因为一种声名狼籍的浪漫而闻名,你懂的 有点多情,有点疯狂 又有点野性。

  spin-off/'spinɔ:f/ n. 副产品;让产易股,抽资脱离


  The German company will now spin off its lifts division, its most profitable business.


  bigwig/'bɪgwɪg/ n. 权贵之人;有重大影响的人


  Simon Terrington, an analyst, thinks channels may survive through the benevolence of local bigwigs and the generosity of volunteers.


  liaise with与······联络


  It has opened an office in Dubai to liaise with officials in the region.


  sadistic/sæˈdɪstɪk/ adj. 有(性)虐待狂的


  A guard who called himself Hitler would organize sadistic dinner entertainment for his colleagues.


  oligarch/'ɒlɪgɑːk/ n. 寡头政治执政者


  Mr Yanukovych and his party see little need for immediate concessions, and several influential business oligarchs still support the regime.


  high-speed/'hai'spi:d/ adj. 高速的


  Tom was driving his sports car at an unbelievable high speed.


  During ejection from high speed aircraft, windblast may cause injuries in thorax and abdomen.


  catamaran/ˌkætəmə'ræn/ n. 双体船,筏


  Each catamaran has a crew of five traveling at speeds up to 39 knots, that's like 45 miles per hour.


  jumbo/'dʒʌmbəʊ/ adj. 巨大的;特大的n. 庞然大物;巨型喷气式飞机;体大而笨拙的人或物


  He bought a jumbo packet of washing-power.


  insouciant /ɪn'suːsjənt/ adj. 无忧无虑的, 漠不关心的


  Television producers seem irresponsibly insouciant about churning out violence.  


  to the letter严格地,不折不扣地;严格按照字句


  The bank's responsibility is to verify that the exporter's documents conform to the letter of credit.


  whistle-stop n. (快车不停的)小城;乡镇;短暂停留


  Historians will find things to pick at-how could they not in a whistle-stop journey through 600 years?  


  henchmen/'hen(t)ʃmən/ n. 亲信;追随者;走狗;侍从


  He thrived on the adulation of his henchmen.


  set piece 舞台立体布景;具有众所周知的固定形式或风格的文学、艺术作品;(足球)定位进攻


  In his biggest set piece speech on the Middle East for two years, Barack Obama celebrated the Arab spring and promised financial aid to countries that sought to build a democracy.   


  frenetic /frə'netɪk/ adj. 忙乱的, 狂乱的, 狂热的


  You should buy it before another frenetic art lover snatcher it up.  


  meticulous /mɪ'tɪkjʊləs/ adj. 极仔细的; 一丝不苟的


  Austere officers demand meticulous conformity with military regulations.


  obliterate/ə'blɪtəreɪt/ vt. 除去;涂去;擦掉;彻底破坏或毁灭


  The town was obliterated by the bombs.


  vault /vɔːlt/ n. (尤指银行的)金库,保险库;拱顶;地下室;撑竿跳v. 跳跃;成穹状弯曲


  The vault of this cathedral is very high.


  extravagant /ɪk'strævəg(ə)nt/ adj. 奢侈的, 铺张的;过度的, 过分的, 放肆的


  Don't be so extravagant, spend your money more carefully.

  不要如此挥霍, 花钱要仔细点。

  pulp fiction n. 《低俗小说》


  Even a group of mothers agreed that a certain amount of bad language in the well-known film Pulp Fiction was OK because the dialogue and situation made it funny.


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