

2020年09月26日 14:57 新浪网 作者 雅思哥

  The Fight for Fertility Equality


  1. While plenty of New Yorkers have formed families by gestational surrogacy, they almost certainly worked with carriers living elsewhere. Because until early April, paying a surrogate to carry a pregnancy was illegal in New York state.


  2. The change to the law, which happened quietly in the midst of the state’s effort to contain the coronavirus, capped a decade-long legislative battle and has laid the groundwork for a broader movement in pursuit of what some activists have termed “fertility equality.”


  3. Still in its infancy, this movement envisions a future when the ability to create a family is no longer determined by one’s wealth, sexuality, gender or biology.


  4. “This is about society extending equality to its final and logical conclusion,” said Ron Poole-Dayan, the founder and executive director of Men Having Babies, a New York nonprofit that helps gay men become fathers through surrogacy. “True equality doesn’t stop at marriage. It recognizes the barriers L.G.B.T.s face in forming families and proposes solutions to overcome these obstacles.”

  纽约非营利组织男人生孩子(Men Having Babies)创始人和执行董事罗恩·普尔-达扬说,“这是社会平等最后会如何发展的合理结论。真正的平等在婚姻方面也应该实现。“生育平等”运动看到了LGBT群体在建立家庭方面面临的障碍并就此提出了方案。”

  5. The movement is led mostly by L.B.G.T.Q. people, but its potential to shift how fertility coverage is paid for could have an impact on straight couples who rely on surrogates too.


  6. Mr. Poole-Dayan and others believe infertility should not be defined as a physical condition but a social one. They argue that people — gay, straight, single, married, male, female — are not infertile because their bodies refuse to cooperate with baby making. Rather, their specific life circumstances, like being a man with a same-sex partner, have rendered them unable to conceive or carry a child to term without medical intervention. A category of “social infertility” would provide those biologically unable to form families with the legal and medical mechanisms to do so.


  7. “We have this idea that infertility is about failing to become pregnant through intercourse, but this is a very hetero-centric viewpoint,” said Catherine Sakimura, the deputy director and family law director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights. “We must shift our thinking so that the need for assisted reproductive technologies is not a condition, but simply a fact.”

  国家女同性恋权利中心的副主任兼家庭法主任Catherine Sakimura说:“我们之前将不孕定义为无法通过性交怀孕,但是这是一种以异性恋为中心的定义。我们必须改变我们的思维,让辅助生殖需求不再只是疾病,而是一个事实。”

  8. Fertility equality activists are asking, at a minimum, for insurance companies to cover reproductive procedures like sperm retrieval, egg donation and embryo creation for all prospective parents, including gay couples who use surrogates. Ideally, activists would also like to see insurance cover embryo transfers and surrogacy fees. This would include gay men who would transfer benefits directly to their surrogate.


  9. In Delaware and New Hampshire there is limited insurance coverage for these services, but the requirements make it nearly impossible for L.G.B.T.Q. people to qualify for it. The goal of the movement is coverage for all people in the United States.


  10. “This entire process falls far outside the way insurance companies traditionally think about health coverage,” said Ms. Sakimura, who helped draft legislation in 2013 to ensure existing fertility services are equally accessible for L.G.B.T.Q. people in California. “They cover a person and their body, but surrogacy requires companies to shift that coverage onto someone else’s body.”


  11. Davina Fankhauser, the co-founder and president of Fertility Within Reach, a nonprofit, said, “There is precedent for medical procedures to be performed on a non-covered person by another subscriber’s insurance on a limited basis. Most commonly, we see this practice with living organ donation.”

  非营利组织Fertility Within Reach的联合创始人兼总裁Davina Fankhauser说,“在有限制的基础上,没有健康保险的人使用别人的健康保险是有先例的,活体器官捐赠就是很常见的例子。”

  12. Miguel Aguilera is a 36-year-old Marine Corps captain who served in Afghanistan and Iraq. Because of injuries sustained in combat, Captain Aguilera, who is gay, qualifies for fertility services, like in vitro fertilization, from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.


  13. In 2018 Captain Aguilera, who is stationed at a Marine Corps base in Jacksonville, N.C., began thinking about fatherhood and taking advantage of his benefits. But “the V.A. told me they only offer these procedures to male soldiers who are married to women,” he said, referring to services like testing, hormone therapy and artificial insemination, and that surrogacy was not a covered benefit.

  2018年,驻扎在北卡罗来纳州杰克逊维尔海军陆战队基地的阿奎莱拉上尉想要充分利用他的福利,成为一名父亲。 “但退伍军人事务部告诉我,他们只向与女性结婚的男性士兵提供这些服务,”他说。退伍军人事务部称,生育服务包括的是检测、激素治疗和人工授精等服务,代孕服务并不包括在内。 

  14. The policy dictated that the couple must not only be married, but also that one partner “must have an intact uterus and one functioning ovary,” while the other “must be able to produce sperm.”


  15. “But what about gay men?” Captain Aguilera said. “Why aren’t we on equal footing? The whole process made me feel like giving up my dream of becoming a parent.”





  P3—P11:生育平等活动的相关情况:(1)该活动想要解决的问题:LGBT群体拥有孩子建立家庭方面面临困境(P3—P4);(2) 该活动对异性恋也会产生深远影响(P5);(3)该活动对“不孕“的定义:不孕不仅仅只是一种生理问题,还有社会因素在里面(P6-P7)。(4)该活动的诉求:健康保险覆盖到代孕相关服务,在代孕中该保险可以转移到代孕母亲的身上(P8—P11)。





  Pregnancy associated breast cancer (PABC) is a breast cancer diagnosed during the gestational or lactational period or in the year following birth.


  surrogacy  ['sʌrəɡəsi] n. 替身代孕;代孕行为


  Surrogate n. 替代;代理


  Following the negative exposure, the government banned commercial surrogacy.


  cap/kæp/ n. 帽子;盖vi. 脱帽致意vt. 覆盖;胜过;给…戴帽;加盖于


  to cap it all 更加;更有甚者

  salary cap 工资上限


  He picked his cap up from the floor and stuck it back on his head.


  groundwork/'graʊn(d)wɜːk/ n. 基础工作;准备工作


  A preliminary groundwork must be laid this year.


  in pursuit of 追求, 寻求


  He was unrelenting in his pursuit of legal mandate.


  fertility/fə'tɪlɪtɪ/ n. (土地的)肥沃;肥力;丰产;繁殖力;(思想等的)丰富


  infertility n. 不肥沃,不毛

  fertilize vt. 施肥adj. 可施肥的;可受精的n. 施肥

  fertilizer n. 肥料, 化肥

  fertile adj. 多产的, 富饶的

  fertilization n. 受精, 受胎;受精行为[现象];受精过程, 受孕过程


  A green manure is a crop grown mainly to improve soil fertility.


  infancy /'ɪnf(ə)nsɪ/ n. 婴儿期;幼年;初期


  Space exploration is still in its infancy.


  envision/en'vɪʒ(ə)n/ vt. 想像,展望


  Parts of the envisioned scheme seem impractical.


  cooperate with 与…合作

  further cooperation with 和…进一步合作

  in cooperation with 与…合作


  Flynn's agreed to cooperate with the ongoing investigation.


  render/'rendə/ vt. 报答; 归还; 给予;呈递; 提供; 开出;演出; 扮演; 演奏


  account rendered [经]结欠清单

  render services 提供服务

  render an account 报帐;开送账单


  This renders it unnecessary for me to do anything.


  intervention /ɪntə'venʃ(ə)n/ n. 介入, 干涉, 干预


  The government's intervention in this dispute will not help.


  intercourse/'ɪntəkɔːs/ n. 交流, 交往, 交际


  A friendly intercourse is opened between the most remote parts of the world.


  hetero-centric 以异性恋为中心的

  reproductive/ˌriːprə'dʌktɪv/ adj. (生物)生殖的


  The male reproductive organs are exterior to the body.


  at a minimum最低限度


  At a minimum this would mean, for instance, that Amazon would have to spin off its private brands, in particular Amazon Basics.

  至少,这意味着,例如,亚马逊将不得不剥离其私有品牌,特别是Amazon Basics。

  retrieval/rɪ'triːvl/ n. 重获,取回,检索,挽回,恢复


  This represents retrieval strength, which does fade with time.


  egg donation捐卵

  embryo/'embrɪəʊ/ n. [动]胚胎;[植]胚芽;初期adj. 初期的;胚胎的


  They are engaging in an embryo research.


  prospective parent准父母

  accessible /ək'sesəb(ə)l/ adj. 容易取得的,容易获得的,容易达到的;可接近的,可进入的;易接近的,易进入的


  The island is accessible only by boat.


  precedent /'presɪd(ə)nt/ n. 先例;前例adj. 在前的;在先的


  precedented adj. 有先例(可援)的

  precedential adj. (作为)先例的


  unprecedented adj. 前所未有的, 无前例的


  The judge ruled contrary to all precedent in the case.


  in vitro fertilization体外授精;试管内授精

  therapy/'θerəpɪ/ n. 治疗,疗法


  Heat therapy becomes a new kind of knubbly therapy measure.


  insemination /in,semi'neiʃən/ n. 授精;播种;受胎


  artificial insemination 人工受精


  inseminate vt. 使受精, 使怀孕


  Aside from adoption, the only other choice is insemination..

  除了领养外,剩下的选择 就是接受精子捐赠。

  dictate/dɪk'teɪt/ vt. & vi. 大声讲或读; 口授;指示; 指定; 指令n. 命令, 规定, 要求


  The new secretary takes dictation very well.


  uterus /'juːt(ə)rəs/ n. 子宫


  That woman's uterus is harboring a stolen baby.


  ovary /'əʊv(ə)rɪ/ n. 子房;卵巢


  Still another drew on science, ruling that driving would damage their ovaries.


  on an equal footing 立于平等地位;平等对待


  Countries working together on an equal footing is how we reduce the risk of conflict.


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