

2021年07月07日 16:12 新浪网 作者 中国网






  Online experts congress to discuss the contribution of the camelid cultural living practice to sustainable development ahead of the UN International Year of Camelids

  On 29 June 2021, the International Camel Organization (ICO), in collaboration with UNESCO, is organizing online the first ICO International Experts Congress on “Cultural practices related to camel traditions to advance the Sustainable Development Goals”.

  For millennia, camels have been a symbol of development for major nomadic cultures in many regions of the world, from the Arab Region to Africa and Central Asia. To this day, camel herding is directly contributing to the socio-economic development sustaining livelihoods and food security of pastoral communities. More than that, the camelid tradition ensures the safeguarding and promotion of traditional knowledge systems and ancestral practices including textile and crafts production, oral lore, and sports through camel races. 

  Through a one-day event, ICO in collaboration with UNESCO, aims to highlight the interlinkages between culture, social and economic development, and the preservation of the ecosystems in the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals enshrined in the 2030 Agenda, and notably their contribution to reducing poverty, fighting hunger, sustaining decent work and livelihoods, and environmental sustainability.

  These efforts echo UNESCO’s priority in harnessing the contribution of culture to sustainable economic, social and environmental sustainability. With the shared objective of safeguarding and leveraging cultural practices in the broader context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, UNESCO and ICO are joining hands to highlight the significance of traditional cultural practices enshrined in the camelid tradition and their contribution to sustainable development to pave the way towards the International Year of Camelids that was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2017 and will be marked in 2024.

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