

2020年03月29日 21:01 新浪网 作者 懒熊体育





  主持人:Well, certainly not just the Olympics that’s feeling the pain of the corona virus pandemic. Many other sporting events have also been postponed or canceled. Basketball is hit hard. The NBA is suspending its season indefinitely earlier this month after Utah Jazz player tested positive for the corona virus. Africa’s basketball league, formed partnership with FIBA and NBA has postponed the start o its inaugural season. Meanwhile, soccer has taken a hit, too. The Asian Championship has delayed its matches. Euro 2020 is now postponed until 2021. The Africa Cup of Nations and Gold Cup qualifying matches have been postponed as well. However, some events are still on but without spectators. Those events include Horse Racing for the Dubai World Cup and skiing for the Nordic World Cup over in Norway.被新冠肺炎折磨的肯定不只有奥运会,还有其他很多体育赛事都被迫延期或者取消。篮球受的冲击很大,这个月早些时候,在犹他爵士有球员确诊感染之后,NBA宣布无限期暂停比赛;与NBA和FIBA深度合作的非洲篮球联赛,揭幕赛季也被迫向后推迟。足球受的影响也不小,亚冠联赛比赛推后;欧洲杯推到了2021年;非洲杯和金杯足球赛均被推迟。不过目前依然有一些体育赛事仍在进行,就是没有现场观众,包括迪拜的赛马世界杯,以及正在挪威举行的北欧滑雪世界杯。So the sports industry strives on the large gathering of crowds. That is of course no longer possible with the corona virus pandemic.体育产业获益于运动人群的聚集,因为新馆肺炎疫情影响,这已经变得不可能。 Let’s get more and how Covid-19 is impacting the sports industry with Li Shuangfu, co-founder and president of Lanxiong Sports, a multi-service platform connecting talents and capital in China sports industry.现在让我们连线懒熊体育联合创始人兼总裁黎双富,听听他对疫情下体育产业的看法。懒熊体育是中国体育产业一个综合型服务平台,连接人才和资本等资源。 Shuangfu, thanks for joining us on the program.双富好,感谢你来参加我们的节目。 黎双富:First of all, thanks for having me.谢谢你们邀请。 主持人:Great, Shuangfu. I want to at first ask you what are your thoughts on IOC postponing the Tokyo Olympics until next year? And how big of a blow is this to the sports and entertainment industry?好的,双富。我先想听听你对国际奥委会推迟东京奥运会至明年的看法。你觉得这件事对体育娱乐产业的影响有多大? 黎双富:Right. To me, IOC and Tokyo have no other choice. Once the athletes started to voice their concern and opinions, they had to do it. Postponing the Olympics will be a huge blow to the sports and entertainment industry because 2020 was supposed to be a big year for sports. We’ve all been looking forward to it. Like what was just talked about in the news. Take Tokyo and Japan for example, based on some economists and sports professors’ estimation, the direct and indirect loss will amount to 30 to 40 billion dollars, which equals roughly 1% of the Japanese GDP.好的,我认为国际奥委会和东京奥组委别无选择了,一旦运动员们都开始表达关切和意见,他们唯有取消。推迟东京奥运会,对体育娱乐产业会是个重大打击,因为2020年原本是个体育大年,我们所有人都很期待它。就像刚刚新闻里说的,以东京和日本为例,根据经济学家和体育学教授的估算,推迟导致的直接和间接损失在300-400亿美元之间,那大致相当于日本GDP的1%。And athletes will be affected, too. Like we said, some already experiencing difficulties in getting ready for the Olympics. And now some qualified athletes will need to re-earn their Olympic spots because their previous qualifying records would expire. Some soccer players might not even be able to play because they wouldn’t pass the age limit. So many obstacles and so many headaches for all these stakeholders in the Olympics.运动员也会受到影响,就像之前说的,有运动员的备战已经受到疫情影响。有些项目获得奥运资格的运动员,可能需要重新获得资格,因为之前的晋级成绩面临过期,一些足球运动员因为超龄可能没法再参加比赛。对奥运会里的相关利益方来说,要面临很多挑战,有很多头疼问题要处理。主持人:Yeah. How should the industry overall adjust and plan during this corona virus pandemic, you think Shuangfu? How do they deal with this uncertainty with all of these? I mean we simply don’t know when large gathering will be allowed again.是的,双富,那你觉得疫情之下的体育产业应该怎么调整和规划呢?他们该怎么面对这些不确定性?我的意思是,现在真的不知道,群体性活动什么时候才能被允许进行。 黎双富:I mean “Quickly”.  With the postponement of the two biggest sporting events in the world, there will be a sudden revenue loss for lots of sports companies, especially the small ones and medium ones who rely solely on these sporting events. What they need to do is to really pay attention to the money they have in the bank accounts. The key for them is to tighten the budget, save as much money as possible and try to make it to 2021, which could be another big year for sports. If we can make it to 2021, if we all do it, maybe Tokyo Olympic Games will be a celebration of the world after its battle with Covid-19, just like what the 2002 Salt Lake City (Winter) Games did to the Americans after 9-11.唯有快速调整,世界上最大的两个体育赛事延期,很多体育公司会面临一个收入的突然损失,尤其是那些围绕这两大赛事的中小型公司,他们需要关注公司账户上的资金储备,关键是紧缩预算、减少开销,努力撑到2021年,届时可能会有另外一个体育大年。如果我们都能撑到2021,我们都能做到,在结束与新冠肺炎病毒的战斗之后,东京奥运会就能成为全世界的一个庆祝大会,就像2002年的盐湖城冬奥会,给经历9-11事件后的美国人民带去了快乐。 主持人:Yeah. Cash-flow management is gonna be a key there. Hopefully we’ll indeed see a celebration of life for next year. Shuangfu, it’s just not sports teams themselves that have to adjust. It’s (also) venue operators, sponsors, advertisers, licensees, manufacturers... So how fast can the sports industry value chain recover once things begin to normalize a bit more?是的,现金流管理很关键,希望我们明年真的可以看到这种庆祝。双富,实际上这个过程不只是体育球队需要调整,场馆运营方、赞助商、广告商、授权商、生产商等等都要。你觉得等疫情退去后,体育产业的价值链能迅速恢复吗?黎双富:I think it’ll be fast. Sports should be one of the industries that attract retaliatory consumption. Think about it, when was the last time we played basketball, went to the gym and exercised in own our way. We all really want it and we really want to get into it. So once things get back to normal, people would get back to practice. After a pandemic like this, people will surely pay more attention to their health and their average exercise time. I think on that note, that’ll be a huge opportunity for the sports industry.我觉得会很快。我认为体育产业应该是会出现报复性消费的产业之一。仔细想想,我们上次去打篮球、去健身、去自由锻炼身体是什么时候。我们现在都很需要,也都想投身到运动中去。等一切回归正常,人们都肯定会恢复体育锻炼,在经历这么一次传染病之后,大家对身体健康会愈加重视,花在体育上的时间会增加。基于这个,我认为体育产业面临着一个不错的机遇。 主持人:And what are you doing at Lanxiong Sports to cope with Covid-19 and ride out this trying times? I mean I see you have Kobe Bryant’s and Allen Iverson’s jerseys behind you. You may be watching reruns of the NBA Finals. What else are you doing at Lanxiong Sports?那说说懒熊体育吧,疫情期间你们是怎么调整的?我看到你身后挂着科比和艾弗森的球衣,你可能有看NBA总决赛重播吧。你们懒熊体育还在做些什么? 黎双富:Thanks for asking. Like everybody else, we can’t really do much offline. So we put all our energy and focus online. Mainly two things. Our media platform produces a lot more sports business content, that means more coverage. The total page-views we got so far has been great, almost five times more than it’s used to be. The second one is we produce lots of online courses or training programs for the industry executives, helping them find problems and get solutions. So far so good. We use our online resources to get it back to normal.谢谢关心。跟很多公司一样,我们在线下没法做多少事情,所以把重点和精力都放到了线上。主要是两大块,我们的媒体平台生产更多的体育商业内容,做出更多的报道,我们这段时间获得的媒体点击量很好,大概是平时的五倍多;第二件事情就是我们制作了很多针对体育产业高管的线上直播和培训课程,帮助他们发现问题和解决问题。总体来说目前成绩还行,我们就是充分利用我们的线上资源来破局。 主持人:All right. We’re gonna leave it there. Many thanks for insights on all of these. Li Shuangfu, co-founder and president of Lanxiong Sports joining us there.好的,我们今天就聊到这里。感谢你对以上问题发表的专业看法。感谢懒熊体育联合创始人兼总裁黎双富参加我们节目。


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