

2020年06月01日 11:10 新浪网 作者 科技小卡




  International banking

  Parallel universe

  Geopolitics and technology are pulling half the world away from America’s financial orbit, says Matthieu Favas. The covid-19 pandemic is precipitating a split

  今年1月份,一位美国前上将在一个全球资深金融家聚会上发表了讲话。惯于思考战略和硬实力的他警告说,从伊朗和俄罗斯到新型冠状病毒,美国在应对它自冷战以来最复杂的一系列威胁时处理得很糟糕。但他还谈到了一个鲜为人知的威胁:通过积极使用经济制裁,美国如何滥用其作为金融强国的影响力,由此迫使盟友和敌人建立另外的金融体系。他说:“我不确定首席决策者是不是了解金融体系如何运作。” 一名前上将会思考全球金融体系的问题,本身就充分说明了这种危险已变得多么重大。

  IN JANUARY AN American former general spoke at a gathering of senior global financiers. Used to thinking about strategy and hard power, he warned that America is dealing poorly with its most complex array of threats since the cold war—from Iran and Russia to the novel coronavirus. But he also spoke of a much less visible threat: how, through its aggressive use of economic sanctions, America is misusing its clout as the predominant financial power, thereby pushing allies and foes alike towards building a separate financial architecture. “I’m not sure of the decider-in-chief’s appreciation for how the financial system works,” he said. That a former general would be thinking about the global financial system says much about how significant that danger has become.


  The system is made up of the institutions, currencies and payment tools that dictate how the invisible liquidity feeding the real economy flows around the world. America has been its pulsating centre since the second world war. Now, though, repeated missteps, and China’s growing pull, have begun to tear at the seams. Many assume the status quo is too entrenched to be challenged, but that is no longer the case. A separate financial realm is forming in the emerging world, with different pillars and a new master.

  和地缘政治版图一样,金融版图上即将出现的霸主是中国,它的迅速崛起正在削弱该体系。如今,中国占到全球GDP的15.5%,而2000年时仅为3.6%。它已成为世界第二大经济体,深深植根于全球贸易的网络中。但它在金融体系中的影响力却很小。中国认为纠正这种失衡对于获得大国地位至关重要。智库RUSI的汤姆·基廷格(Tom Keatinge)说:“美元的主导地位正从下面被掏空。”新冠危机有可能给这种离心力推上决定性的一把。

  The hegemon-in-waiting financially, as geopolitically, is China, whose rapid rise is tugging away at the system. The country today accounts for 15.5% of global GDP, up from 3.6% in 2000. Its economy, the world’s second-largest, is deeply woven within the fabric of global trade. Yet it weighs little in the financial system. China sees correcting this asymmetry as crucial to gaining great-power status. “The dollar dominance is being hollowed out from underneath,” says Tom Keatinge of RUSI, a think-tank. The covid-19 crisis threatens to give centrifugal forces a decisive boost.


  The system’s first pillar was laid in 1944 with the founding of the World Bank, the IMF and the global monetary order at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. Having supplied weapons to allies throughout the war, America owned most of the planet’s gold, in which it priced its wares. Much of Europe and Asia lay in ruins. The interwar system of floating exchange rates had proved dysfunctional. It was thus decided that all currencies would be linked to the dollar, and the dollar tied to gold. That made the greenback the world’s new reserve currency. Two decades later the rising economic heft of Japan and Germany, coupled with vast money-printing by America during the Vietnam war, made the pegs untenable. The system disintegrated, but the “dollar standard” survived.


  In the 1970s America also gained sway over the plumbing system that underpins global payments. American banks, then barred from operating outside state borders, teamed up to develop interbank messaging systems and nationwide ATM networks. Lenders also clubbed together to form credit-card “schemes”—associations setting the rules and systems through which members settle payments in plastic. Those worlds merged when two major card networks (soon rechristened Visa and MasterCard) bought the two largest ATM firms to expand overseas. By allowing individuals to shop anywhere, cards and cash machines became the dominant infrastructure for moving small sums of money across the world.


  A revolution soon ensued in large-value transfers. In the old “telex” system, a cross-border payment between banks required the exchange of a dozen messages in free text, a process prone to human error. In 1973 a group of banks joined to create SWIFT, an automated messaging service assigning a unique code to every bank branch. It became the lingua franca for wholesale payments.


  New technology boosted America’s banks, which became better equipped to follow clients overseas, and its capital markets, helped by the digitalisation of paper assets. Having rebuilt, savings-rich Japan and Germany parked their dollars in treasury bonds. A housing boom spawned asset-backed securities. Between 1980 and 2003, America’s stock of securities grew from 105% to three times GDP, forming the international springboard for its investment banks. After a regulatory big bang in the 1990s, they merged with commercial banks. By 2008, 35 firms had become the big four—Citigroup, Wells Fargo, JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America—the last prong of America’s financial dominance.


  America’s pull within the system remains huge. When disasters strike, the dollar surges. It is still the world’s safest store of value and its chief means of exchange. That makes the institution that mints it the metronome of global markets. In 2008 America’s Federal Reserve avoided a general cash crunch worldwide by offering “swap lines” to rich-world central banks, allowing them to borrow dollars against their own currencies. When panic gripped markets again this March, the Fed expanded the offer to some emerging countries. In April it widened it further, allowing most central banks and international institutions to exchange their American debt securities against greenbacks, thus stalling the stampede.

  全世界的底层金融系统也仍然在美国的掌控之下。SWIFT的11,000名全球成员每天互相发送三千万次消息。它们进行的大多数国际交易最终都由美国“代理”银行通过纽约转发给CHIPS这个每天结算1.5万亿美元支付的清算所。数据公司“尼尔森报告”(Nilson Report)称,维萨和万事达处理了全球三分之二的银行卡付款。美国的银行收取了全球投资银行业务费用的52%。

  The world’s financial plumbing remains under America’s thumb, too. SWIFT’s 11,000 members across the world ping each other 30m times daily. Most international transactions they make are ultimately routed through New York by American “correspondent” banks to CHIPS, a clearing house that settles $1.5trn of payments a day. Visa and Mastercard process two-thirds of card payments globally, according to Nilson Report, a data firm. American banks capture 52% of the world’s investment-banking fees.



  三件事正在推动变革。首先,地缘政治的“推动”因素。美国的中心地位让它可以通过阻止竞争者获得全球的流动性供应来让它们寸步难行。不过它一直克制住没有这样做,直到近些年。过去金融体系被视为促进贸易和繁荣的中立性基础设施。第一批裂痕出现在2001年之后,当时美国开始用该体系掐断恐怖主义的资金。有组织犯罪和核扩散者不久就被加入了黑名单。相关计划把这些群体描绘成对国际安全和金融体系完整性的威胁,以此说服了盟友,小布什的前顾问、该计划最初的设计者胡安·扎拉特(Juan Zarate)说。


All change

  Three things are driving change. First, the “push” factor of geopolitics. America’s centrality allows it to cripple rivals by denying them access to the world’s liquidity supply. Yet until recently it refrained from doing so. The financial system was seen as neutral infrastructure for promoting trade and prosperity. The first cracks appeared after 2001, when America started using it to choke funding for terrorism. Organised crime and nuclear proliferators soon joined the list. It persuaded allies by presenting such groups as threats to international security and the integrity of the financial system, says Juan Zarate, a former adviser to George W. Bush who designed the original programme.


  这套工具在奥巴马的领导下获得了强大的影响力。俄罗斯在2014年入侵克里米亚之后,美国处罚了一个体量是先前目标两倍的经济体的寡头、公司和整个行业。美国还对与黑名单上的实体做交易的其他国家的公司实施了“次级”制裁。此后,特朗普总统将该系统用作武器,并用于对抗盟国。去年12月,它瞄准了铺设管道将俄罗斯天然气引入欧洲的公司。今年3月,它加强了对伊朗的制裁,即使其他国家向伊朗提供了援助。这个武器库看起来并不是一视同仁的:自2008年以来,美国的罚款总额为290亿美元,其中对欧洲银行的罚款达220亿美元。吉布森律师事务所(Gibson Dunn)的亚当·史密斯(Adam Smith)说,在2019年它指定新制裁目标共计82次。

  The arsenal gained potency under Barack Obama. After Russia’s invasion of Crimea in 2014, America punished oligarchs, companies and entire sectors of an economy twice the size of previous targets. “Secondary” sanctions were imposed on other countries’ companies that traded with blacklisted entities. President Donald Trump has since elevated the system for use as a weapon and used it against allies. In December it targeted firms building a pipeline bringing Russian gas into Europe. In March it toughened sanctions against Iran even as others channelled aid to the country. The arsenal hardly feels impartial: since 2008 America has fined European banks $22bn, out of $29bn in total. In 2019 it designated new sanction targets 82 times, says Adam Smith of Gibson Dunn, a law firm.


  Sanctions are now increasingly used in conjunction with other restrictions to throttle China. The Department of Commerce maintains a jumble of lists of entities with which other firms cannot deal. One of them, the “unverified” list, bans exports to companies about which the ministry has questions. It has grown from 51 names in 2016 to 159 in March. Chinese entities make up two-thirds of additions. Other departments are also racing to be seen as the toughest on China.


  In the short run the opaque nature of the whole system maximises the impact of sanctions. But it also creates a strong incentive for others to seek workarounds, and technology is increasingly providing the tools needed to build them.


  Such advances result from the second driver of the new trends: the “pull” factor of attempts to meet the needs in emerging economies. Tech firms have sights on the world’s 2.3bn people with little access to financial services. Helped by plentiful capital and permissive rules, they have created cheap-to-run systems they are starting to export. Some also aim to enable commerce in regions where credit cards are rare but mobile phones common. Propped up by their huge home market, China’s “superapps” run ecosystems in which users spend their way without using actual money.


  It helps that many emerging markets, not just China, are keen on a rebalancing. Most borrow abroad, and price their exports, in dollars. America was once the biggest buyer. Whenever the dollar rose, demand would follow, making up for costlier debt. But a stronger dollar now means China, their chief trading partner, can afford less stuff. So demand falls just when repaying loans gets dearer. And the stakes have risen: emerging markets’ stock of dollar debt has doubled since 2010, to $3.8trn.


  The third factor helping insurgents is covid-19, which could lead to a tipping-point. Already hobbled by rising tariffs, global trade is likely to fragment further. As disruption far away causes local shortages, governments want to shorten supply chains. That will give regional powers like China more room to write their own rules. The economic fallout in America—not least the fiscal impact of its $2.7trn stimulus measures—could dent confidence in its ability to repay debt, which underpins its bonds and currency.


  Most important, the crisis harms other countries’ trust in America’s fitness to lead. It ignored early warnings and botched its initial response. China is guilty of worse—its own missteps helped export covid-19 in the first place. Yet it managed to curb cases fast and is now broadcasting a narrative of domestic competence. America’s ability to guarantee global prosperity is the glue that holds the financial order together. With its legitimacy badly hit, renewed assaults on the system seem inevitable. On the front line are the dollar-system’s foot soldiers, the banks.

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