






1.According to the article, what is a common misconception about arts, humanities, and social sciences degrees?

A)They are not useful in the modern job market.

B)They only lead to careers in academia.

C) They are easier than science or technology degrees.

D) They do not provide practical skills.

2. The article suggests that graduates in arts, humanities, and social sciences are well-equipped to handle what aspect of future work environments?

A) Technical advancements

B) Specialized industry knowledge

C) Routine and repetitive tasks

D) Ambiguity and multiple 'right' answers


Why arts, humanities and social science students are key to our future

From: The British Academy

27 FEB 2018

The question every arts, humanities and social sciences student hears fairly regularly, 'what are you going to do with that?', has become all the more important in the last few days. Suggestions that degrees in these subjects are somehow 'less valuable' have resurfaced in light of the Government's review of post-18 education funding.

But a recent British Academy project I chaired showed that such sentiments were, quite simply, wrong. Arts, humanities and social sciences graduates make valuable contributions right across our society. The breadth is truly vast ranging from web designers for banks, and press officers for major corporations, through to the civil service, teachers, social workers, lawyers, accountants and economists, or throughout our booming creative industries and cultural and heritage sectors to global leaders and senior politicians.

Our research found that 58% of Chief Executives of FTSE 100 Index Companies have studied arts, humanities and social sciences, either at undergraduate or postgraduate level. Arts, humanities and social sciences is a broad church, and what our graduates go on to do is correspondingly diverse.

A set of core skills

We found this diversity is grounded in a set of core skills which all arts, humanities and social sciences graduates develop, and that these skills are in demand from employers as well as central to a cohesive well-performing society. Arts, humanities and social science graduates learn how to communicate and work with others, how to define a question and analyse the evidence to answer it, and how to work independently to solve problems with creativity. Such skills have never been more vital in a society where we need to collaborate across global boundaries, be engaged and active citizens who can identify 'fake news' and make evidence-based decisions and adapt to make the most of emerging technologies in an ethical way.

Employers need individuals who can interpret data, but also explain to others what it means. Design, marketing and human relations are critical to industrial and commercial success and are dependent on understanding what it means to be human – something fundamental to the study of the arts, humanities and social sciences. And while our society is already multicultural; in a post-Brexit world, our international relations skills around trade and security are only set to become more complex. We need people with language skills, but also with intercultural understanding and global awareness, who can negotiate with tact and diplomacy.

Equipping students for the future

Technological, socio-environmental, economic and demographic changes are transforming the way we work. New jobs are constantly being created and existing roles evolve. The natures of the arts, humanities and social sciences means that students learn to deal with ambiguity, where there may be many 'right' answers. They have a positive, open outlook and are willing to try new approaches, all crucial attributes in a world where they will have to adapt to changing circumstances and demands and be comfortable navigating an uncertain future.

The labour market needs graduates who can think on their feet and be innovative in a global economic environment, exploiting opportunities and helping to grow businesses and economies.

Our report showed that the attitudes developed by studying the arts, humanities and social sciences provide an ideal basis for graduates to be able to take the initiative and explore new horizons. And that commitment, desire and ability to constantly improve their own performance is reflected in the number of graduates from those subjects who go on to become global leaders, chief executives of top performing companies and politicians. It is testament to their resilience, flexibility and ability to upskill.

So, when faced with the question, 'what are you going to do with that?', students and parents alike should feel secure in the knowledge that an arts, humanities or social science degree will equip them with transferable skills and behaviours that will be prized in our future economy.

We don't know what the jobs of tomorrow will look like, or where they will be. But understanding human behaviour and society is surely the best way to make the most of the changes coming our way.

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Why arts, humanities and social science students are key to our future

From: The British Academy

27 FEB 2018

The question every arts, humanities and social sciences student hears fairly regularly, 'what are you going to do with that?', has become all the more important in the last few days. Suggestions that degrees in these subjects are somehow 'less valuable' haveresurfaced in light ofthe Government's review of post-18 education funding.



resurface /ˌriːˈsɜː.fɪs/ 1)表示“再次浮出;再次露出水面”,英文解释为“to rise to the surface of the water again”举个🌰:When the divers did not resurface after an hour, three crew members dived down to look for them. 1个小时后潜水员们都没有浮出水面,于是3名船员潜水下去搜寻他们。

2)表示“(记忆)浮现,唤起,再次出现”,英文解释为“If a memory resurfaces, you remember it again after you had forgotten about it.”举个🌰:Memories of his childhood resurfaced when he saw the photographs. 他看到这些照片后,童年的记忆又浮现在眼前。

in light of

美式 in light of sth 英式 in the light of sth 表示“根据;考虑到,鉴于”,英文解释为“If something is possible in the light of particular information, it is only possible because you have this information.”举个🌰:In the light of this information it is now possible to identify a number of key issues. 根据这一信息,现在有可能发现很多关键问题。

🎬电影《完美音调2》(Pitch Perfect 2)中的台词提到:In light of this embarrassing 鉴于这个让人尴尬的...

📺美剧《硅谷》(Silicon Valley)中的台词提到:Well, in light of recent activities, it appears that I could do a goddamn thing about it. 有鉴于最近的种种 看来我还是有办法的。

But a recent British Academy project I chaired showed that suchsentimentswere, quite simply, wrong. Arts, humanities and social sciences graduates make valuable contributions right across our society. The breadth is truly vast ranging from web designers for banks, and press officers for major corporations, through tothe civil service, teachers, social workers, lawyers, accountants and economists, or throughout ourboomingcreative industries and cultural andheritagesectors to global leaders and senior politicians.

但我最近主持的一个英国国家学术院(The British Academy)项目表明,这种看法完全是错误的。艺术、人文和社会科学毕业生对我们的社会做出了宝贵的贡献。其职业范围非常广泛,从银行的网页设计师、大公司的发言人,到公务员、教师、社会工作者、律师、会计师和经济学家,再到蓬勃发展的创意产业和文化遗产行业,乃至全球领袖和资深政客。


sentiment /ˈsen.tɪ.mənt/表示“观点;意见;看法;情绪”,英文解释为“a thought, opinion, or idea based on a feeling about a situation, or a way of thinking about something”举个🌰:I don't think she shares my sentiments. 我认为她不同意我的观点。

civil service

the civil service /ˌsɪv.əl ˈsɜː.vɪs/ 表示“(政府的)文职部门,行政机构”,英文解释为“the government departments responsible for putting central government plans into action”举个🌰:The British civil service is supposed to be non-political. 英国政府的文职部门应该是非政治性的。


booming /ˈbuː.mɪŋ/ 1)表示“(经济)繁荣的;迅速发展的”,英文解释为“increasing or becoming successful and producing a lot of money very quickly”举个🌰:Business is booming at the moment. 目前,业务正在蓬勃发展。

2)表示“(声音)低沉有回响的;隆隆的”,英文解释为“making a deep and loud hollow sound”如:a booming voice 洪亮的声音。


heritage /ˈher.ɪ.tɪdʒ/ 表示“遗产(指流传下来的具有历史意义的传统、语言、建筑等)”,英文解释为“features belonging to the culture of a particular society, such as traditions, languages, or buildings, that were created in the past and still have historical importance”

Our research found that 58% of Chief Executives of FTSE 100 Index Companies have studied arts, humanities and social sciences, either at undergraduate or postgraduate level. Arts, humanities and social sciences is abroad church, and what our graduates go on to do is correspondinglydiverse.


broad church

broad church /ˌbrɔːd ˈtʃɜːtʃ/ 表示“包容各种不同意见、主张的群体(或机构、信仰);自由主义群体”,英文解释为“a group, organization, or set of beliefs that includes a wide range of different opinions or ideas”举个🌰:The Conservative Party is a broad church. 保守党是个包容各种不同政见的组织。


diverse /daɪˈvɜːs/ 表示“多种多样的,形形色色的”,英文解释为“including many different types of people or things”举个🌰:New York is a very culturally/ethnically diverse city. 纽约是一个在文化/种族方面具有多样性的城市。

A set of core skills 一系列核心技能

We found this diversityis grounded ina set of core skills which all arts, humanities and social sciences graduates develop, and that these skills are in demand from employers as well as central to acohesivewell-performing society. Arts, humanities and social science graduates learn how to communicate and work with others, how to define a question and analyse the evidence to answer it, and how to work independently to solve problems with creativity. Such skills have never been more vital in a society where we need to collaborate across global boundaries, be engaged and active citizens who can identify 'fake news' and make evidence-based decisions and adapt to make the most of emerging technologies in an ethical way.


be grounded in sth

表示“根据,基于”,英文解释为“to be based firmly on something”举个🌰:Fiction should be grounded in reality. 小说应该以现实生活为基础。


cohesive /kəʊˈhiː.sɪv/ 表示“有凝聚力的;团结的”,英文解释为“united and working together effectively”如:a cohesive group 有凝聚力的团体,cohesive forces 凝聚力。

Employers need individuals who caninterpretdata, but also explain to others what it means. Design, marketing and human relations are critical to industrial and commercial success and are dependent on understanding what it means to be human – something fundamental to the study of the arts, humanities and social sciences. And while our society is already multicultural; in apost-Brexitworld, our international relations skills around trade and security are only set to become more complex. We need people with language skills, but also with intercultural understanding and global awareness, who can negotiate withtactand diplomacy.



1)表示“诠释;说明”,英文解释为“to explain the meaning of sth”举个🌰:The students were asked to interpret the poem. 学生们被要求诠释那首诗的意义。

2)表示“把…理解为;领会”,英文解释为“to decide that sth has a particular meaning and to understand it in this way ”举个🌰:The data can be interpreted in many different ways. 这份资料可以从多方面解读。

3)表示“演绎(按自己的感觉演奏音乐或表现角色)”,英文解释为“to perform a piece of music, a role in a play, etc. in a way that shows your feelings about its meaning”举个🌰:He interpreted the role with a lot of humour. 他把这个角色演得十分幽默。

4)表示“翻译,口译”,英文解释为“to change what someone is saying into another language


post /pəʊst/ 前缀,表示“后”,英文解释为“after or later than”如:postgraduate 研究生 如:postoperative 手术后的,举个🌰:He took a post-lunch nap. 他午饭后小睡了一会儿。


Brexit /ˈbrek.sɪt/ 表示“(英国脱离欧盟)脱欧”,英文解释为“an exit (= act of leaving) by the United Kingdom from the European Union (short for "British exit")”举个🌰:There have been various attempts to calculate how much Brexit will cost. 已经有各种各样的尝试来计算英国脱欧所付出的代价。


tact /tækt/ 表示“(处事、言谈等的)得体,乖巧,机敏;外交手腕”,英文解释为“the ability to say or do the right thing without making anyone unhappy or angry”举个🌰:He's never had much tact and people don't like his blunt manner. 他从来不懂什么处事技巧,大家都不喜欢他那生硬的态度。

Equippingstudents for the future 为学生未来做好准备

Technological, socio-environmental, economic anddemographicchanges are transforming the way we work. New jobs are constantly being created and existing roles evolve. The natures of the arts, humanities and social sciences means that students learn to deal withambiguity, where there may be many 'right' answers. They have a positive, open outlook and are willing to try new approaches, all crucialattributesin a world where they will have to adapt to changing circumstances and demands and be comfortable navigating an uncertain future.



1)表示“装备;配备”,英文解释为“to provide a person or a place with objects that are necessary for a particular purpose”举个🌰:It's going to cost $4 million to equip the hospital. 给这所医院配齐医疗设备将耗资400万美元。

2)表示“使有准备;使有能力;训练”,英文解释为“to give someone the skills needed to do a particular thing”举个🌰:The goal of the course is to equip people with the skills necessary for a job in this technological age. 本课程旨在使人们获得在这个技术时代必备的工作技能。


demographic 1)作形容词,表示“人口的;人口统计的;人口学的”,英文解释为“relating to demography (= the study of populations and the different groups that make them up)”举个🌰:There have been monumental social and demographic changes in the country. 该国的社会和人口状况已经发生了巨大的变化。

2)作名词,表示“(顾客)族群”,英文解释为“a group of people, for example customers, who are similar in age, social class, etc.”举个🌰:This demographic (young teenagers) is the fastest-growing age group using the site. 该族群(十几岁的年轻人)是使用这个网站人数增长最快的年龄群体。


作名词,表示“特性,特质,属性”,英文解释为“a quality or feature, especially one that is considered to be good or useful”举个🌰:What attributes should a good manager possess? 一名优秀的经理应该具备哪些素质?

作动词,attribute sth to sb/sth 表示“把…归因于…;认为…由…生产;认为…是…所为”,英文解释为“to say or think that something is the result or work of something or someone else”举个🌰:The doctors have attributed the cause of the illness to an unknown virus. 医生们认为这种疾病是由一种未知的病毒引起的。

The labour market needs graduates who canthink on their feetand be innovative in a global economic environment,exploitingopportunities and helping to grow businesses and economies.


think on your feet

表示“思维敏捷”,英文解释为“to make a quick decision or give an answer quickly”举个🌰:I'd never heard about the company before, so I had to think on my feet. 我以前从来没有听说过这家公司,只好临时随机应变。


1)表示“利用;剥削(…为自己谋利)”,英文解释为“to treat a person or situation as an opportunity to gain an advantage for yourself”举个🌰:He exploited his father's name to get himself a job. 他利用他父亲的名声为自己找到一份工作。

2)表示“开发,运用;利用;发挥”,英文解释为“to use sth well in order to gain as much from it as possible”举个🌰:She fully exploits the humour of her role in the play. 她在剧中把她那个角色的幽默发挥得淋漓尽致。

🎬电影《惊天魔盗团》(Now You See Me)中的台词提到:What I hate is people who exploit other people. 我只是讨厌那些利用别人的人。

作名词,表示“不寻常的行为;英勇的行为;奇遇”,英文解释为“something unusual, brave, or funny that someone has done”举个🌰:She was telling me about her exploits while travelling around Africa. 她跟我讲述了她在非洲各地旅游时的奇遇。

Our report showed that the attitudes developed by studying the arts, humanities and social sciences provide an ideal basis for graduates to be able to take the initiative and explore new horizons. And that commitment, desire and ability to constantly improve their own performance is reflected in the number of graduates from those subjects who go on to become global leaders, chief executives of top performing companies and politicians. It istestamentto theirresilience,flexibilityand ability toupskill.



testament /ˈtes.tə.mənt/ 表示“证明;验证”,英文解释为“proof”举个🌰:The detail of her wildlife paintings is (a) testament to (= proof of) her powers of observation. 她画野生动物十分细致,这证明她有很强的观察能力。


resilience /rɪˈzɪliəns/ 表示“快速恢复的能力;适应力”,英文解释为“the ability of people or things to feel better quickly after sth unpleasant, such as shock, injury, etc.”


flexibility /ˌflek.səˈbɪl.ə.ti/ 表示“可变动性;灵活性;可变通性”,英文解释为“the ability to change or be changed easily according to the situation”举个🌰:The advantage of this system is its flexibility. 这个系统的优势在于其灵活性。


upskill /ʌpˈskɪl/ 表示“学习新技能;教授新技能”,英文解释为“to learn new skills or to teach workers new skills”举个🌰:The program is aimed at people working in IT who want to upskill. 这一课程是针对在信息科技行业工作、需要学习新技能的人的。

So, when faced with the question, 'what are you going to do with that?', students and parents alike should feel secure in the knowledge that an arts, humanities or social science degree will equip them withtransferableskills and behaviours that will be prized in our future economy.



transferable /trænsˈfɜː.rə.bəl/ 1)表示“可转换的”,英文解释为“that can be used in a different situation, or for a different purpose”举个🌰:Students gain transferable skills, the school says. 学校表示,学生能获得可转移技能。

2)表示“(疾病)可传染的”,英文解释为“(of a disease) that can be passed from one person or animal to another”举个🌰:There are some diseases that are transferable between humans and animals. 有些疾病可以在人和动物之间传染。

We don't know what the jobs of tomorrow will look like, or where they will be. But understanding human behaviour and society is surely the best way to make the most of the changes coming our way.


- 词汇盘点 -

resurface、 in light of、 sentiment、 civil service、 booming、 heritage、 broad church、 diverse、 be grounded in sth、 cohesive、 interpret、 post-、 Brexit、 tact、 equip、 demographic、 attribute、 think on your feet、 exploit、 testament、 resilience、 flexibility、 upskill、 transferable

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

In light of Brexit, the booming civil service, a broad church grounded in diverse heritage, resurfaced. It interpreted sentiments with tact, equipping a demographic skilled in thinking on their feet. This testament to resilience and flexibility exploited transferable skills, upskilling to foster cohesion and interpret post-Brexit shifts.

- 推荐阅读 -






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