

2024年02月01日 20:48 新浪网 作者 LearnAndRecord



  1. What did The Wall Street Journal highlight regarding Instagram's role in connecting pedophiles?

  a) Positive impacts on children

  b) Persistent dangers to children

  c) Legal actions against Instagram

  d) Instagram's child-safety measures

  2. According to Senate Judiciary Chairman Dick Durbin, what has put children at risk online?

  a) Lack of parental involvement

  b) Adequate investment in trust and safety

  c) Pursuit of engagement and profit

  d) Positive aspects of children's interactions


  'You Have Blood on Your Hands': Senators Say Tech Platforms Hurt Children

  From: The Wall Street Journal

  Meta Platforms' Mark Zuckerberg and other tech CEOs faced withering bipartisan criticism on Wednesday from senators who said social-media platforms must bear more legal liability when children are harmed online.

  “You have blood on your hands,” Sen. Lindsey Graham told the executives during a hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee, eliciting applause from a packed audience that included many holding pictures of children.

  The Wall Street Journal has highlighted persistent dangers to children on social-media platforms, including how Instagram's algorithms connect a vast network of pedophiles. Several lawmakers cited the Journal's reporting in their criticism, and they pointed to a wave of lawsuits filed by parents and state attorneys general seeking to hold platforms accountable. Senators noted that many had been dismissed under laws designed to protect online speech.

  Senate Judiciary Chairman Dick Durbin blasted the executives for a “crisis” in child sexual exploitation online.

  “Their design choices, their failures to adequately invest in trust and safety, and their constant pursuit of engagement and profit over basic safety have all put our kids and grandkids at risk,” he said.

  Zuckerberg, who got many of the most pointed questions, told lawmakers there are positive aspects of children's interactions on Meta platforms. He also praised Facebook's investment in child-safety work, saying the company has gone beyond legal requirements in seeking to remove abusive material.

  “I'm proud of the work that our teams do to improve online child safety on our services and across the entire internet,” Zuckerberg said, pointing to technology that detects inappropriate or abusive content and tools that he said help parents get more involved in children's decisions.

  Meta reported about 27.2 million instances of suspected child sexual-abuse material on its main platforms to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in 2022, far more than any other company, according to the nonprofit group's data. The U.S. total for all platforms was about 32 million in 2022.

  But Meta has announced plans to encrypt messaging on its platforms, a step that will block the automated detection systems responsible for the majority of its reports.

  Zuckerberg under scrutiny

  At one point, Sen. Josh Hawley asked Zuckerberg to apologize to parents in the audience. The Facebook founder stood, turned, and said: “I'm sorry for everything that you have all gone through. It's terrible. No one should have to go through the things that your families have.”

  “This is why we invest so much and are going to continue doing industry leading efforts…to make sure that no one has to go through the types of things that your families have had to suffer,” he said.

  - ◆ -



  'You Have Blood on Your Hands': Senators Say Tech Platforms Hurt Children

  From: The Wall Street Journal

  Meta Platforms' Mark Zuckerberg and other tech CEOs facedwithering bipartisancriticism on Wednesday fromsenatorswho said social-media platforms mustbearmore legalliabilitywhen children are harmed online.

  Meta Platforms的扎克伯格(Markuckerberg)以及其他一些科技公司的CEO周三遭到两党参议员的严厉批评,这些参议员表示,当儿童在网上受到伤害,社交媒体平台必须承担更多法律责任。


  withering /ˈwɪð.ər.ɪŋ/ 1)表示“(目光、话语等)令人难堪的,尖刻的”,英文解释为“A withering look, remark, etc. is one that is intended to make someone feel ashamed.”

  2)表示“严厉的;极为挑剔的”,英文解释为“severe and extremely critical”举个🌰:He made a withering attack on the policy. 他严厉地抨击了该政策。


  bipartisan /ˌbaɪˈpɑː.tɪ.zæn/ 表示“为两党派所支持的;包括两个党派的”,英文解释为“supported by or consisting of two political parties”


  senator /ˈsen.ə.tər/ 表示“参议员”,英文解释为“a politician who has been elected to a Senate”举个🌰:Only two senators voted against the bill. 只有两名参议员反对这一法案。


  1)表示“忍受;容忍;经受;承担”,英文解释为“to accept, tolerate, or endure something, especially something unpleasant”举个🌰:The strain must have been enormous but she bore it well. 当时压力一定很大,但她挺过来了。

  2)熟词僻义,表示“生(孩子);结(果实);开(花)”,英文解释为“to give birth to young, or (of a tree or plant) to give or produce fruit or flowers”举个🌰:She had borne three children by the time she was 30. 她到30岁时已经生了3个孩子。


  liability /ˌlaɪ.əˈbɪl.ə.ti/ 不可数名词,表示“(法律上对某事物的)责任,义务”,英文解释为“the fact that someone is legally responsible for something”举个🌰:He denies any liability for the damage caused. 他对造成的损失拒绝承担任何责任。可数名词,表示“累赘;惹麻烦的人(或事)”,英文解释为“If you say that someone or something is a liability, you mean that they cause a lot of problems or embarrassment.” 通常用复数,liabilities表示“债务,负债”,英文解释为“debts”举个🌰:The business has liabilities of 2 million euros. 该公司负债达200万欧元。

  📍tax liability 表示“纳税义务;税务责任:个人或企业必须支付的税款金额”,英文解释为“an amount of tax that a person or business must pay;a situation in which tax must be paid on something”

  “You have blood on your hands,” Sen. Lindsey Graham told the executives during ahearingof the Senate Judiciary Committee,elicitingapplause from apackedaudience that included many holding pictures of children.

  南卡罗来纳州共和党参议员格雷厄姆(Lindsey Graham)在参议院司法委员会听证会上对这些高管表示:“你们的手上沾血。”在场听众对此报以掌声,很多听众手举儿童照片。


  hearing /ˈhɪə.rɪŋ/ 表示“审讯;审理;听审;听证会”,英文解释为“an official meeting at which the facts about a crime, complaint, etc. are presented to the person or group of people who will have to decide what action to take”。


  elicit /iˈlɪs.ɪt/ 表示“引出,探出,诱出(尤指信息或反应)”,英文解释为“to get or produce something, especially information or a reaction”举个🌰:Have you managed to elicit a response from them yet? 你设法探到他们的反应了吗?

  📍此前Jasper对着每个镜头道歉文中出现的表达:These children tell their parents those things that will elicit praise and hide the parts of their lives that won't. 这些孩子会告诉父母那些可以赢得赞扬的事情,隐瞒自己生活中不会受到赞赏的事情。


  packed /pækt/ 表示“挤满的,拥挤的”,英文解释为“completely full”举个🌰:The train was so packed that I couldn't find a seat. 火车里挤满了人,我一个座位也找不到。

  jam-packed /ˌdʒæmˈpækt/ 表示“挤得满满的,塞得紧紧的”,英文解释为“full of people or things that are pushed closely together”举个🌰:The streets were jam-packed with tourists. 街道被游客挤得水泄不通。

  The Wall Street Journal hashighlighted persistentdangers to children on social-media platforms, including how Instagram'salgorithmsconnect a vast network ofpedophiles. Several lawmakers cited the Journal's reporting in their criticism, and they pointed to a wave of lawsuits filed by parents and stateattorneys generalseeking to hold platformsaccountable. Senators noted that many had beendismissedunder laws designed to protect online speech.

  《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)此前专门报道过社交媒体平台对儿童的危害,比如Instagram的算法如何让恋童癖形成一个庞大的网络群体。几名议员在抨击时引用了《华尔街日报》的报道,并指出家长和各州总检察长已提起一大波诉讼,试图让社媒平台担责。参议员们指出,根据保护网络言论的法律,许多诉讼都被驳回了。


  highlight /ˈhaɪ.laɪt/ 作动词,表示“使引起注意,强调”,英文解释为“to attract attention to or emphasize something important”举个🌰:The report highlights the need for improved safety. 那份报告强调了加大安全力度的重要性。

  作名词,表示“最精彩的部分”,英文解释为“the best or most exciting, entertaining, or interesting part of something”举个🌰:Highlights of the match will be shown after the news. 比赛的精彩部分将在新闻之后播出。


  persistent /pəˈsɪs.tənt/ 1)表示“持续的;存留的;顽强存在的”,英文解释为“lasting for a long time or difficult to get rid of”举个🌰:Symptoms of the illness include a high temperature and a persistent dry cough. 病症包括高烧和持久的干咳。

  2)表示“坚持不懈的;执意的”,英文解释为“Someone who is persistent continues doing something or tries to do something in a determined but often unreasonable way.”举个🌰:Be persistent - don't give up. 要坚持不懈——别放弃。


  algorithm /ˈælɡəˌrɪðəm/ 表示“算法;计算程序”,英文解释为“a set of rules that must be followed when solving a particular problem”


  英式 paedophile /ˈpiː.də.faɪl/ 美式 pedophile 表示“恋童癖患者”,英文解释为“someone who is sexually interested in children”

  attorney general

  attorney general /əˌtɜː.ni ˈdʒen.ər.əl/表示“(某些国家的)检察总长,首席检察官;司法部长”,英文解释为“the top legal officer in some countries, whose job is to provide legal advice to the government and to represent the government”;

  attorney /əˈtɜːnɪ/ 本身可表示“律师”,英文解释为“In the United States, an attorney or attorney-at-law is a lawyer.”比如我们可以说a prosecuting attorney,即“公诉律师”。



  accountable /əˈkaʊn.tə.bəl/ 表示“应负责任的;应作解释的;应加以说明的;(对自己的决定、行为)负有责任,有说明义务”,英文解释为“Someone who is accountable is completely responsible for what they do and must be able to give a satisfactory reason for it.”举个🌰:She is accountable only to the managing director. 她只对总裁负责。

  📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述商业软件公司SAP的文章中提到:“COUNT ON US, hold us accountable and together we will reinvent the way businesses run.”“信赖我们,向我们问责,齐心协力,我们将重塑公司的运营方式。”


  dismiss /dɪˈsmɪs/ 1)表示“对…不予理会,摒弃,(从头脑中)去除”,英文解释为“to decide that something or someone is not important and not worth considering”举个🌰:I think he'd dismissed me as an idiot within five minutes of meeting me. 我认为他和我见面5分钟后就把我归入了傻瓜之列。

  2)表示“解雇;免职;开除”,英文解释为“to officially remove sb from their job”举个🌰:She claims she was unfairly dismissed from her post. 她声称自己被无理免职。

  3)表示“(常指法官因证据不足而)驳回,不受理”,英文解释为“When a judge dismisses a court case, he or she formally stops the trial, often because there is not enough proof that someone is guilty.”举个🌰:The defending lawyer asked that the charge against his client be dismissed. 辩护律师请求驳回对其委托人的指控。

  Senate Judiciary Chairman Dick Durbinblastedthe executives for a “crisis” in child sexualexploitationonline.

  参议院司法委员会主席、伊利诺伊州民主党参议员Dick Durbin斥责道,科技业高管对网上的儿童性剥削“危机”负有责任。


  作名词,blast /blɑːst/ 表示“爆炸;爆破”,英文解释为“an explosion”举个🌰:Three people were injured in the blast. 爆炸中有3人受伤。

  作动词,1)表示“炸毁;爆破”,英文解释为“to explode or destroy something or someone with explosives, or to break through or hit something with a similar, very strong force”

  2)表示“抨击,严厉批评”,英文解释为“to criticize someone or something severely”举个🌰:They were blasted for failing to create jobs. 他们因未能创造工作机会而遭到抨击。

  3)表示“产生巨大噪声;发出刺耳声”,英文解释为“to make a very loud and unpleasant noise”如:guns/music blasting (away/out) 炮声隆隆/音乐震天响。

  📍“霉霉”再怼特朗普文中提到,DEADLINE媒体对此事的报道中标题是:Taylor Swift Blasts Trump’s “Calculated Dismantling Of USPS” Amid President’s Efforts To Decommission Services,


  exploitation /ˌek.splɔɪˈteɪ.ʃən/ 1)表示“开发利用”,英文解释为“the use of something in order to get an advantage from it”举个🌰:Britain's exploitation of its natural gas reserves began after the Second World War. 英国对其天然气资源的开发利用始于二战后。

  2)表示“(出于私利的)利用;剥削”,英文解释为“the act of using someone unfairly for your own advantage”

  “Their design choices, their failures to adequately invest in trust and safety, and their constant pursuit of engagement and profit over basic safety have all put our kids and grandkids at risk,” he said.


  Zuckerberg, who got many of the mostpointedquestions, told lawmakers there are positive aspects of children's interactions on Meta platforms. He also praised Facebook's investment in child-safety work, saying the company has gone beyond legal requirements in seeking to removeabusivematerial.



  pointed /ˈpɔɪn.tɪd/ 表示“(评论、问题、方式等)尖锐的,犀利的,直截了当的,批评的”,英文解释为“A pointed remark, question, or manner is intended as a criticism of the person it is directed to.”举个🌰:My aunt made a few pointed remarks about my taste in clothes. 姑姑一针见血地批评了我对服装的品位。


  abusive /əˈbjuː.sɪv/ 1)表示“恶毒残暴的”,英文解释为“Someone who is abusive behaves in a cruel and violent way toward other people.”举个🌰:He became violent and abusive toward his mother. 他对待他妈妈变得粗暴而又残酷。

  2)表示“侮辱的”,英文解释为“Abusive language is extremely rude and insulting.”举个🌰:I did not use any foul or abusive language. 我没有使用过任何粗话或侮辱性的语言。

  “I'm proud of the work that our teams do to improve online child safety on our services and across the entire internet,” Zuckerberg said, pointing to technology that detects inappropriate or abusive content and tools that he said help parents get more involved in children's decisions.


  Meta reported about 27.2 millioninstancesof suspected child sexual-abuse material on its main platforms to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in 2022, far more than any other company, according to the nonprofit group's data. The U.S. total for all platforms was about 32 million in 2022.

  根据非营利组织美国国家失踪和受虐儿童中心(National Center for Missing and Exploited Children)的数据,2022年,Meta向该中心报告了其主要平台上约2,720万例疑似儿童性虐待的材料,上报数量远远超过其他公司。2022年,美国所有平台共计向该中心上报此类材料3,200万例。


  instance /ˈɪn.stəns/ 表示“实例;情况”,英文解释为“a particular situation, event, or fact, especially an example of something that happens generally”举个🌰:There have been several instances of violence at the school. 学校里发生过几起暴力事件。

  But Meta has announced plans toencryptmessaging on its platforms, a step that will block the automated detection systems responsible for the majority of its reports.



  encrypt /ɪnˈkrɪpt/ 表示“将…译成密码;把…编码;把…加密”,英文解释为“to change electronic information or signals into a secret code (= system of letters, numbers, or symbols) that people cannot understand or use on normal equipment”举个🌰:Your financial information is fully encrypted and cannot be accessed. 有关你财务状况的信息已被完全加密,别人无法看到。

  Zuckerberg underscrutiny扎克伯格受到“拷问”

  At one point, Sen. Josh Hawley asked Zuckerberg to apologize to parents in the audience. The Facebook founder stood, turned, and said: “I'm sorry for everything that you have all gone through. It's terrible. No one should have to go through the things that your families have.”

  密苏里州共和党参议员Josh Hawley一度要求扎克伯格向在场家长道歉。这位Facebook创始人站起来转身说:“我对你们遭遇的一切感到抱歉。这是可怕的。你们的遭遇不该发生在任何人身上。”


  scrutiny /ˈskruːtɪnɪ/表示“细看,仔细审查;监视”,英文解释为“the careful and detailed examination of something in order to get information about it”举个🌰:His private life came under media scrutiny. 他的私生活开始受到媒体的密切关注。

  “This is why we invest so much and are going to continue doing industry leading efforts…to make sure that no one has to go through the types of things that your families have had to suffer,” he said.


  - 词汇盘点 -

  withering、 bipartisan、 senator、 bear、 liability、 hearing、 elicit、 packed、 highlight、 persistent、 algorithm、 pedophile、 attorney general、 accountable、 dismiss、 blast、 exploitation、 pointed、 abusive、 instance、 encrypt、 scrutiny

  - 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

  In a packed hearing, the senator pointed out the bipartisan liability of the algorithm, which elicits persistent scrutiny. The attorney general vowed to hold the bear accountable for its abusive exploitation instance, leading to a withering dismissal.

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