【跨国企业的中国经验|默克中国总裁:人工智能辅助下的精准医疗】人工智能还能更惊艳吗?可以的,比如服务生命健康,帮助我们“延长生命线”。在中国发展高层论坛2025年年会上,默克集团全球执行副总裁、默克中国总裁何慕麒告诉CGTN主持人@王冠Guan ,默克集团通过引进全球最新的研发线产品、深化本地慢病合作研发,以及借助人工智能技术等方式,已经在推进个体化精准医疗、构建更智慧高效的中国医疗体系等问题上提供了最新的技术支持。Can artificial intelligence help extend human life or improve our quality of life? At the China Development Forum 2025, Marc Horn, executive vice president of Merck Group and president of Merck China, told CGTN's Wang Guan that the company is accelerating the introduction of its global pipeline into China, deepening local partnerships in chronic disease management, and leveraging AI to drive personalized and precision treatment while laying the groundwork for a smarter, more adaptive healthcare system in China.