
【新刊速递】《国际关系》(IR), Vol. 38, No. 2, 2024 | 国政学人

【新刊速递】《国际关系》(IR), Vol. 38, No. 2, 2024 | 国政学人
2024年06月12日 22:33 新浪网 作者 记经典时刻



  《国际关系》(International Relations)是国际关系领域的顶尖期刊之一,由SAGE出版社与大卫·戴维斯纪念研究所(David Davies Memorial Institute)联合出版编辑,2021-2023年影响因子为1.6,SSCI排名为56/96。




  Fitting national interests with populist opportunities: intervention politics on the European radical right



  Strategic culture and competing visions for the EU’s Russia strategy: flexible accommodation, cooperative deterrence, and calibrated confrontation



  Globalising the ‘war on terror’? An analysis of 36 countries



  Selective humanitarians: how region and conflict perception drive military interventions in intrastate crises



  Dealing with guilt and shame in international politics



  题目:Fitting national interests with populist opportunities: intervention politics on the European radical right

  作者:Toby Greene,巴伊兰大学政治研究系讲师,研究重点是外交政策决策、欧洲外交政策以及中东和巴以问题的国际政治。


  As European radical right parties grow in influence, and as foreign and security policy becomes more politicised, these parties have increasing potential to shape national debates on international affairs. This paper shows how radical right opposition parties seek to exploit policy dilemmas surrounding military intervention according to the nature of the political opportunity these dilemmas present in specific national settings. Its findings are based on qualitative comparative case studies of Front National, AfD and UKIP responses to intervention debates surrounding the Syrian civil war in France, Germany and the UK. I find that non-intervention is not an absolute value for radical right parties. Whilst liberal-humanitarian interventions are uniformly rejected, interventions on national security grounds, whether to combat Jihadist threats or prevent uncontrolled migration, prompt a range of responses shaped by the domestic political context. Yet even where these parties back intervention in votes, their discourse focuses on fitting the issue to the populist dimensions of their political agenda, especially attacking mainstream rivals for incompetence, duplicity or incoherence, and failing to protect the sovereignty and ethnic integrity of the nation.


  题目:Strategic culture and competing visions for the EU’s Russia strategy: flexible accommodation, cooperative deterrence, and calibrated confrontation

  作者:Paul Silva II,宾夕法尼亚大学政治学博士,研究重点是国际关系理论、经济制裁、联合国大会投票模式、民主化以及欧盟作为国际政治参与者的角色。


  This article analyzes the national security strategies of EU member states in the 2009–2018 period, and conceptualizes three security strategies EU member states have adopted toward Russia – flexible accommodation, cooperative deterrence, and calibrated confrontation. It tests strategic culture hypotheses against those of realism and commercial liberalism to explain the variation of EU member states’ security strategies toward Russia. While a realist explanation would predict EU member states geographically proximate to Russia would possess more confrontational security strategies, geographic proximity and confrontational security strategies toward Russia are not positively correlated. Bilateral economic interdependence with Russia, the presence of populist parties in EU member states governing coalitions, and EU member states’ alignment or status as an occupied state during the Cold War also do not explain EU member states’ security strategies toward Russia. A more consistent explanation of the variance in EU member states’ policy on Russia revolves around the strategic culture of the state in question. States with a more Atlanticist perspective tend to be more confrontation with Russia than their more Europeanist counterparts, regardless of geographic proximity or economic interdependence with Russia.


  题目: Globalising the ‘war on terror’? An analysis of 36 countries

  作者:Tobias Ide,默多克大学政治与国际关系高级讲师,研究兴趣为气候变化、自然资源和环境政治与和平、冲突和安全的交集。


  The rise of populism in Western democracies creates presumed threats on liberal international order. Although a number of scholarly works are dedicated to the populist challenge on liberal democracy, the analysis of populism’s implications on the liberal order is limited. This paper deliberates on a concise review of the consequences of populism on the Western liberal order. In order to delineate the study, the article is devoted to the Western populism and its implications on liberal order. The paper, while analyzing the components of liberal international order by drawing on the analytical framework of structural liberalism, intends to claim that populism has adverse consequences on certain elements of the order than others. However, the implication is not an inflection point for the Western liberal order. Furthermore, this paper also provides some explanations behind the limitations of the populist threats to the Western liberal order. The main argument to highlight is that populism is detrimental more to liberal democracy than to the liberal order itself, and the Western liberal order has the capacity to withstand the tide of populism.


  题目:Selective humanitarians: how region and conflict perception drive military interventions in intrastate crises

  作者:Sidita Kushi,布里奇沃特州立大学政治学助理教授,研究兴趣为国际关系、国际安全、定量方法、比较政治、军事干预等。


  Why are some violent intrastate crises more likely to prompt humanitarian military interventions than others? States appear to intervene robustly in reaction to some internal conflicts, such as Kosovo, but withhold similar options in more intense conflict, as in Darfur. Much of the research on this ‘selectivity gap’ focuses on universal norms or geopolitical interests. I, however, argue that the selectivity of these interventions is a product of regional variations interacting with conflict perceptions. This paper introduces a dataset of almost 1000 observations of intrastate armed conflict between 1989 and 2014, paired with international military responses and non-responses, as well as an Intervention Index that accounts for the intensity of military interventions. I find that once a threshold of human suffering is met via the existence of an internal armed conflict, powerful states will intervene depending on whether the conflict occurs in the Western sphere of influence and whether it is denoted as an identity war. A Western region coupled with no perceptions of identity-based civil war prompts the greatest odds of humanitarian military intervention. Such conclusions carry implications on the role of norms and interests in international politics, as biased by region, and for military intervention as a policy choice.


  题目:Dealing with guilt and shame in international politics

  作者:Lotem Bassan-Nygate,威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校政治学博士,研究兴趣为国际关系、政治心理学和实验方法的交叉领域;Gadi Heimann,耶路撒冷希伯来大学国际关系教授,研究领域是以色列外交政策史、国际体系中的大国地位。


  State and non-state actors often try to provoke moral emotions like guilt and shame to mobilize political change. However, tactics such as `naming and shaming’ are often ineffective, suggesting that policy makers engage in norm violations in ways that minimize moral emotions. We argue that when violating norms, decision makers deal with guilt and shame through coping mechanisms that allow them to pursue policies that contradict their moral standards. We conceptualize guilt and shame as two separate phenomena that provoke distinct reactions. Shame is more likely to provoke immature defenses like denial and distortion, while guilt provokes a more mature and reparative reaction. We provide empirical evidence for this theory by examining two crucial issues on the state of Israel’s political agenda during the first decade of its existence. We analyze political debates over the return of the Palestinian refugees and the reparation agreement between Israel and West Germany, using a series of primary sources from three different political forums.

  编译 | 邹梓轩

  审校 | 宋欣蔚

  排版 | 张嘉益



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