

《国际政治经济学评论》(Review of International Political Economy)是一份涵盖国际政治经济学研究的双月刊同行评审学术期刊。其成立于1999年,由Routledge出版。本刊是国际政治经济学领域的主流期刊之一,与《新政治经济学》(New Political Economy)并列。2024年期刊影响因子为4.659。
Veto powers and access capabilities in the design of preferential trade agreements
Africa’s roads to digital development: paving the way for Chinese structural power in the ICT sector?
What does the mid-1990s soybean liberalization tell us about the role of foreign investment in China’s rural industrialization?
Unfollow the money: mapping the micro agents of international tax
The process of paradigm change: the rise of guided innovation in China
The (surprise) return of development policy space in the multilateral trading system: what the WTO Appellate Body blockage means for the developmental state
An old, novel idea: introducing G-Pub, an original dataset of public bank formation
Taking development for a ride: the World Bank’s research with ride-hailing companies
题目:Veto powers and access capabilities in the design of preferential trade agreements
作者:Ninfa M. Fuentes-Sosa,经济研究与教学中心国际研究部主任兼研究教授
Studies of domestic political actors’ influence on the design of preferential trade agreements (PTAs) have focused on veto players as obstacles to policy change, assuming their roles as access points or channels for economic interests. Access point and veto player theories predict that multiple access points lead to a protectionist bias and that numerous veto players have a constraining influence over PTAs. This study argues that after the veto player and access point theories are combined, the effect of variation in the number of veto players and access points on the institutional features of PTAs depends on the types of exporters (endowment-based or intra-industry exporters) with whom said political actors interact. Quantitative tests show that as the value of intra-industry exports rises, veto players and access points have a less constraining effect on the scope and autonomy of PTAs. This study employed a novel dataset to approximate the values of intra-industry and endowment-based exports of 256 Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) products manufactured by 500 trading partners. The findings highlight the importance of considering the broader influence of political actors and economic interests on PTA design.
题目:Africa’s roads to digital development: paving the way for Chinese structural power in the ICT sector?
作者:Stephanie Arnold,意大利博洛尼亚大学政治与社会科学系博士候选人,比利时联合国大学CRIS数字治理集群博士研究员
Over the past few decades, China emerged as Africa’s main partner in digital development. Sino-African cooperation in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector meets African demand for advanced technologies and know-how while helping China to position itself in the global ICT sector. Albeit crucial for Africa’s digital development in the short term, this paper argues that the breadth of Sino-African cooperation carries important long-term consequences that could afford China latent control over Africa’s digital development. Drawing on Susan Strange’s pillars of structural power, this paper considers how the rollout of fiber-optic network cables underpins Chinese control over production, how the construction of data centers might impinge on security, and how research partnerships enhance norms and standards in future innovation—the knowledge pillar. The paper argues that the enabling force of Sino-African cooperation in these three realms is Chinese finance. To test this claim, I conduct a Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) of 42 states in Sub-Saharan Africa, showing that Chinese aid and, to a lesser extent, Chinese loans are the main drivers of Sino-African ties in the ICT sector. The paper concludes that Chinese financial support not only promotes Africa’s digital development but also paves the way to Chinese structural power in the ICT sector.
题目:What does the mid-1990s soybean liberalization tell us about the role of foreign investment in China’s rural industrialization?
作者:Tomaz Mefano Fares,贝德福德大学国际商务讲师,亚非学院食品中心副研究员
This article reassesses the role of foreign investments in China’s rural industrialization in the 1980s and the early 1990s. It draws upon the power disputes between agribusiness transnational corporations (TNCs) and central domestic players in the country’s soybean complex. I follow Chris Bramall’s argument that food processing infrastructure grew progressively since the Maoist era in the 1960s and 1970s, instead of springing from foreign investments or pro-business local state officials during the reform and opening up. However, I go beyond this assumption by suggesting that foreign investments often had a detrimental role in rural industrialization, depending on their political action. I show through in-depth empirical analyses that due to the Maoist industrial legacy, soybean processors from Northeast China consolidated an endogenous form of accumulation based on local circuits of production and consumption under state protectionism. This specific industrialization trajectory has put them on opposite sides from agribusiness TNCs. The liberalization agenda pushed by the TNCs through bilateral and multilateral levels of influence culminated in the opening of China’s soybean imports in the late 1990s, allowing the consolidation of their global trade monopoly to the detriment of domestic players.
题目:Unfollow the money: mapping the micro agents of international tax
作者:Saila Stausholm,科隆马克斯·普朗克社会研究所博士后研究员;Javier Garcia-Bernardo,乌得勒支大学方法论和统计学助理教授
Financial globalization has enabled multinational corporations to shift profits between jurisdictions to lower their tax rate, undermining public finances and concerning policy makers. While policy efforts have focused on the jurisdictions that enable lower taxes, scholars increasingly recognize the importance of micro-level actors. We geographically map corporate tax advisors, influential micro-level actors in tax avoidance, using a novel empirical approach based on LinkedIn. We show that tax advisors are generally located in large cities in the EU and OECD, rather than in places targeted as ‘tax havens’. Using multiple regression analysis, we find that the location of tax advisors is not correlated with the location of corporate profits, financial secrecy, or economic activity. Rather, it correlates with managerial and financial activity. We find that tax advisors are disproportionately placed in the countries writing the blacklists rather than the countries blacklisted. We argue that effective regulation of tax avoidance needs to focus on tax advisors, not only on the destination of financial flows.
题目:The process of paradigm change: the rise of guided innovation in China
作者:Andrew B. Kennedy,澳大利亚国立大学克劳福德公共政策学院副教授
This article offers a new framework for understanding the beliefs behind science, technology and innovation (STI) policy. Building on recent research that has identified several distinct ‘policy paradigms’ in STI policy, it explains how these paradigms may be understood as hierarchical belief systems, and it identifies different variants within each paradigm. The article then illuminates one means through which countries may transition from one paradigm to another in this domain, focusing on the international diffusion of the ‘innovation systems policy’ paradigm after the 1980s. The article emphasizes how local ideology regarding state intervention in the economy shapes how the new paradigm is localized in the receiving state. To probe the plausibility of this theory, the article presents an in-depth case study focused on China’s reception and localization of the innovation systems policy paradigm in recent decades.
题目:The (surprise) return of development policy space in the multilateral trading system: what the WTO Appellate Body blockage means for the developmental state
作者:Kristen Hopewell,英属哥伦比亚大学公共政策与全球事务学院教授兼加拿大全球政策研究主席
Since the establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO) – which led to a dramatic expansion in the scope of global trade rules and made those rules legally binding on states – scholars have highlighted the constraints it has imposed on development policy space. By prohibiting many of the standard tools of the developmental state, the WTO’s rules have been seen as ‘kicking away the ladder’ for developing countries, preventing them from using the trade and industrial policies needed to catch up with more advanced economies. However, since 2019, the US has disabled the WTO’s enforcement mechanism by blocking judicial appointments to the Appellate Body. As a result, this article shows the trade and development landscape has now changed fundamentally: WTO rules – once a powerful constraint on development policy space – are no longer legally enforceable. The article analyzes two recent landmark disputes – Indonesian nickel export restrictions and Indian export subsidies provided through special economic zones – in which developing countries have successfully blocked WTO panel rulings that would force them to repeal developmentalist policies. Ironically, given that the US was originally the dominant force behind the WTO’s anti-developmentalist rules and its binding dispute settlement system, one important consequence of the US Appellate Body blockage has been the re-emergence of development policy space in the multilateral trading system.
题目:An old, novel idea: introducing G-Pub, an original dataset of public bank formation
作者:Devin Case-Ruchala,北卡罗来纳大学阿什维尔分校政治学系博士后研究员
摘要:在金融国际化进程日益凸显的背景下,公共银行是一种重新崛起的金融治理模式,它可以作为反周期危机融资、积极投资(如绿色金融)或保护主义贷款的政策工具。然而,没有系统的研究来探究是什么导致政府首先成立公共银行,一部分原因是缺乏数据。本文通过介绍一个原始数据集、概念框架和描述性实证洞察,以作为未来研究的基础。本文讨论了对公共银行的不同定义,以推进“政府发起的公共银行”的更有针对性的概念化,即由政府成立并通过所有权和/或管理保持在政府控制之下的银行。该数据集包括 1,355 家银行,涵盖 1401 年至 2020 年期间的195个国家/地区。利用这些数据,本文检验了流行的假设,即“政府发起的公共银行(G-Pubs)”更有可能在欠发达国家或更专制的国家形成。文章表明,在 1970 年至 2020 年期间,“政府发起的公共银行”的形成反而与发达的民主国家联系在一起。1970年代之前的描述性分析进一步支持了更复杂的观点。这些发现凸显了重新制定公共银行研究议程的必要性,该议程既要考虑国内和国际政治经济动态,也要考虑国际扩散、金融一体化和危机机制。
Amidst growing financial internationalization, public banks are a reemerging mode of financial governance that can serve as a policy tool for counter-cyclical crisis financing, proactive investment (e.g. green finance), or protectionist lending. Yet no systematic studies examine what leads governments to form public banks in the first place, in part due to a lack of data. This paper introduces an original dataset, conceptual framework, and descriptive empirical insights to serve as the basis for future research. I discuss contending definitions of public banks to advance the more targeted conceptualization of ‘government-initiated public banks’ (G-Pubs), or banks that are formed by governments and remain under government control through ownership and/or management. The dataset includes 1,355 banks and spans 195 countries for the period 1401–2020. Using these data, I test prevailing assumptions suggesting G-Pubs are more likely to form in less developed or more autocratic countries. I show that for the period 1970–2020, G-Pub formation is instead associated with developed democracies. Descriptive analysis prior to the 1970s further supports a more complex view. These findings underscore the need for a renewed research agenda on public banking that considers both domestic and international political economic dynamics, including international diffusion, financial integration, and crisis mechanisms.
题目:Taking development for a ride: the World Bank’s research with ride-hailing companies
作者:Kate Bedford,伯明翰大学法律和政治经济学教授