

《太平洋评论》(The Pacific Review)是太平洋地区研究的主要平台,作为跨学科期刊,其宗旨和目标为打破研究领域之间以及学术界、新闻界、政府和商界之间的壁垒,重点关注政策问题。根据Journal Citation Reports显示,2021年该刊的影响因子为2.074。
Understanding region formation through proximity, interests, and identity: debunking the Indo-Pacific as a viable regional demarcation
Foreign policy consequences of democratic backsliding: the case of the Comfort Women Agreement in 2015
Map evidence for the Philippines’ territorial claim in the South China Sea: a historical, cartographical and legal analysis
Why Russia has botched diplomacy with Japan: comparisons of 2013-23 and the late 1980s
题目:Understanding region formation through proximity, interests, and identity: debunking the Indo-Pacific as a viable regional demarcation
The Indo-Pacific region, linking the Indian and Pacific Oceans through Southeast Asia, is becoming increasingly significant in academic discourse and global politics. The geopolitical background of the idea is evident as it connects several major powers around China. However, can the concept serve as a cornerstone for a viable regional setting beyond geopolitics? And in extension, why do some regions institutionalize while others are unable to do the same? Drawing on social constructivism and region-building theories, we argue that three intersubjectively shared preconditions—proximity, interests, and identity—play a crucial role in regional consolidation. We posit that this framework operates as a scale, wherein meeting these conditions positively influences region formation and institutionalization. Comparing the Indo-Pacific to the Asia-Pacific and Southeast Asia, we contend that while the latter two possessed these components, the Indo-Pacific severely lacks shared ideas of proximity and identity, and the component of interests remains contested. We conclude that this limitation significantly hampers the possibility of the Indo-Pacific emerging as a viable and intersubjectively shared regional framework.
题目:Foreign policy consequences of democratic backsliding: the case of the Comfort Women Agreement in 2015
摘要:最近的研究记录了民主倒退对各个治理领域产生的深远影响。然而,尽管近年来世界各地的倒退政府采取了非传统的外交政策立场,但外交政策仍是这一趋势中的例外。为了填补这一空白,本文以2015年《慰安妇协议》的制定为中心,研究了韩国在最近民主倒退时期的对日政策。案例研究表明,朴槿惠政府(2012—2017 年)奉行的政策立场无视社会和制度约束。本文认为,这一案例展示了民主倒退如何破坏外交政策的稳定。
Recent studies have documented the profound effects that democratic backsliding generates on various realms of governance. However, foreign policies remain an exception in this trend despite the notable emergence of non-traditional foreign policy positions backsliding governments around the world took in recent years. To address this gap, this paper examines South Korea’s policy toward Japan during its recent period of democratic backsliding, focusing on the making of the Comfort Women Agreement in 2015. The case study reveals that the Park Geun-hye government (2012-2017) pursued a policy position that defied social and institutional constraints. The paper suggests that this case represents how democratic backsliding can destabilize foreign policies.
题目:Map evidence for the Philippines’ territorial claim in the South China Sea: a historical, cartographical and legal analysis
Based on international law and practices, a map by itself does not constitute an independent territorial title and has no independent probative value in territorial disputes. Regarding maps with inaccurate or unreliable sources of information, unofficial maps and official maps produced by one party aiming to enhance its position, international judicial and arbitration institutions tend to hold a very little credibility. The Institute of Maritime and Ocean Affairs (IMOA), an agency of the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs, and some Philippine political elites selected many of the maps for the 2014 exhibition. Although some maps or charts of Scarborough Shoal drawn by the Spanish colonists on display are official or semiofficial in nature, they do not mark the political boundaries of the relevant areas and are obviously inaccurate. The purpose of Spain’s charting in each expedition to Scarborough Shoal was to provide guidance on navigational safety, not to assert sovereignty. It is difficult to arrive at definite conclusions about sovereignty over Scarborough Shoal from these maps and charts. The maps or charts displayed and drawn by cartographers from other countries, have many problems, such as insufficient accuracy, covering vast area more than the Philippine Islands and the lack of marking political boundaries and thus cannot prove that the Philippines has territorial sovereignty over Scarborough Shoal. Similarly, none of the maps and charts on display are sufficient to prove that the “Kalayaan Islands” belong to the Philippines.
题目:Why Russia has botched diplomacy with Japan: comparisons of 2013–23 and the late 1980s
The prevailing narrative from the Brezhnev era to the present holds that Moscow’s relations with Tokyo failed to achieve a breakthrough due to a territorial dispute lingering from 1956. Japan had demanded the return of all four islands seized by the Soviet Union after Japan had announced its surrender, but Moscow had insisted on no islands or hinted at two. A different argument is made here: The primary culprit in the two periods when diplomacy took off was Moscow’s skewed thinking about Japan. Rejecting arguments for complementarity, historical parallelism, and balance of power, Russian writings in the late 1980s and 2013–2023 saw little value in Japan. Regardless of Gorbachev’s ‘New Thinking’ and Putin’s ‘Turn to the East’, the intellectual groundwork for rapprochement never materialized. This was a harbinger of other negativity about Japanese history, the Japan-U.S. alliance, and Japan’s ‘disrespect’. Failure to assess Tokyo accurately, including its many reasons for pursuing Moscow, testifies to a warped understanding of geopolitics as well as geo-economics owing to a distorted national identity. Misjudging Japan in each period paved the way to greater hostility to the West that followed.
编译 | 汪平平
审校 | 张潇文
排版 | 韩雄柏
本文源于《太平洋评论》(PR), Vol. 37, No. 6, 2024,本文为公益分享,服务于科研教学,不代表本平台观点。如有疏漏,欢迎指正。