

2020年02月28日 18:46 新浪网 作者 INSIGHT视界

  From  英文悦读



  All the Light We Cannot See

  All the Light We Cannot See(所有我们看不见的光)是美国作者Anthony Doerr于2014年出版的一本以二战为背景的小说。






  All the Light We Cannot See在出版后获得了众多奖项,它是2015年《纽约时报》十佳畅销书之一,并入选《华盛顿邮报》和《卫报》等多家报纸年度最佳好书。


  An imaginative and intricate novel inspired by the horrors of World War II and written in short, elegant chapters that explore human nature and the contradictory power of technology.

  这本书除了精巧的故事情节之外,最大的特点是文笔极其优美,很多句子读起来像诗歌一样。All the Light We Cannot See是那种即使句子里有很多生词不认识也不妨碍你欣赏其中文字美感的书。在国外书评网站Goodreads上,众多网友毫不吝啬对这部小说语言的赞美:

  This book has the most hauntingly beautiful prose I've ever read. It's brimming with rich details that fill all five senses simultaneously. It's full of beautiful metaphors that paint gorgeous images. I didn't want this book to end, but I couldn't put it down.

  The language is so fantastically precise - Anthony Doerr does things with verbs that make entire paragraphs sing - that the visual component of this book is quite astounding.

  The writing was incredible, the descriptions so vivid. It did a superb job of showing the reader how the characters felt through their actions, rather than telling.


  Up and down the lanes, the last unevacuated townspeople wake, groan, sigh. Spinsters, prostitutes, men over sixty. Procrastinators, collaborators, disbelievers, drunks. Nuns of every order. The poor. The stubborn. The blind.


  With the door shut, the sound of the sirens softens. Above them, the ceiling bulb flickers.

  这里使用了压头韵的手法,shut, sound, sirens, softens这几个词不仅用得很巧妙,而且读起来很自然,没有那种刻意为之的生硬感,这足以看出作者的文字功底。

  What is blindness? Where there should be a wall, her hands find nothing. Where there should be nothing, a table leg gouges her shin. Cars growl in the streets; leaves whisper in the sky; blood rustles through her inner ears.



  To men like that, time was a surfeit, a barrel they watched slowly drain. When really, he thinks, it’s a glowing puddle you carry in your hands; you should spend all your energy protecting it. Fighting for it. Working so hard not to spill one single drop.


  But God is only a white cold eye, a quarter-moon poised above the smoke, blinking, blinking, as the city is gradually pounded to dust.


  The window glows. The slow sandy light of dawn permeates the room. Everything transient and aching; everything tentative. To be here, in this room, high in this house, out of the cellar, with her: it is like medicine.

  这一段是写Werner和Marie-Laure在圣马洛相遇后的情景。作者通过对周围气氛的描写来烘托Werner对Marie-Laure不断加深的感情。同时第二句To be here, in this room, high in this house, out of the cellar, with her句式很整齐,语气上也层层铺垫,到最后一句it is like medicine在情感上实现了爆发。

  书中类似上面这样的句子还有很多。All the Light We Cannot See是一本值得你反复阅读的小说,它会让你在阅读过程中感受到英语的语言之美,同时书中所体现的对战争和人性的思考也会对你有所启发。

  The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry

  The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry 作者Rachel Joyce是英国BBC Radio Four频道的资深剧作家,她也是2007年Tinniswood Award最佳广播剧奖的得主。

  The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry是她的第一部长篇小说,在出版后大受欢迎,得到了各大媒体的积极评价。



  它实际上讲诉了一个关于成长与自我发现的故事:主人公Harold Fry(哈罗德·弗莱)一直是一个默默无闻的人,他在酿酒厂干了四十年的销售代表后默默退休,他没有敌人,也没有朋友,退休时公司甚至连欢送会也没有开。



  作为一名资深剧作家,Rachel Joyce的文字功底非常深厚,从小说的遣词造句中可以看出作者对语言的驾驭能力。同时,小说的剧情设置也非常巧妙成熟(这与作者多年写剧本的经历可能也有关),可读性很高。


  Harold lowered his limbs into the seat beside hers. A heavy stillness crept over him and, after resisting for a moment, he closed his eyes. The light glowed red against his eyelids, and the sounds of birdsong and passing cars merged into one, that was both inside him and far away.

  这一段的背景是哈罗德在旅途中停下来在一户人家里面休息,在躺椅上睡着了。作者对于人物感受的描写很仔细:通过the light glowed red against his eyelids来描写在阳光中闭上双眼所看到的亮红色,用the sounds of birdsong and passing cars merged into one, that was both inside him and far away来描写听着鸟叫声与车鸣声逐渐入睡的状态。

  For the first time in his life, it was a disappointment to find that the post box cropped up sooner than expected.

  这一句话的背景是哈罗德收到Queenie病危的信件后写了一份回信,并准备拿到邮筒投递。在走去邮筒的路上哈罗德想了很多事情,并希望邮筒能慢点出现,这样他有更长的时间来思考。因此it was a disappointment to find that the post box cropped up sooner than expected这句话就写出了人物的这种心理。

  There were single drivers, and he supposed they must be office workers because their faces appeared fixed as if the joy had been squeezed away, and then there were women driving children, and they looked tired too.

  哈罗德在路途中看到很多司机都表情僵硬,看起来似乎生活的乐趣都被挤干了,as if the joy had been squeezed away这一比喻用得很形象。

  Harold hovered outside the breakfast lounge, hoping it might be empty. He and Maureen could pass hours without saying a word, but her presence was like a wall that you expected to be there, even if you didn’t often look at it.


  People were buying milk, or filling their cars with petrol, or even posting letters. And what no one else knew was the appalling weight of the thing they were carrying inside. The superhuman effort it took sometimes to be normal, and a part of things that appeared both easy and everyday. The loneliness of that.


  The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry这本书不仅仅文笔优美,书中还涉及到对许多人生问题的探讨,相信它们会给你带来思考与启发。推荐你去读一读这本小说。

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