
【英文有声绘本】海尼曼G2 89 The Fun Club Goes to the Aquarium

【英文有声绘本】海尼曼G2 89 The Fun Club Goes to the Aquarium
2023年09月11日 20:31 新浪网 作者 小蝌蚪妈妈-

  海尼曼是由英国Heinemann出版的一套非常经典的分级读物,海尼曼(Heinemann)是英国哈考特教育出版公司的子公司,英国哈考特教育出版公司是世界最大的教育出版商之一,为全球第三大教育出版集团,隶属于在全球享有盛誉的英荷出版巨头里德·艾尔斯维尔出版集团(Reed Elsevier PLC group)。其出版中心分布世界各地。同其他大型教育出版社相比,哈考特教育图书更“专”,更注重教育性,更注重可用性。





  Miss Dimple wanted to take the Fun Club to the beach,but it was too cold and wet.


  "I have an idea,” Miss Dimple said. "Let’s go to the aquarium."


  “Is an aquarium a place to see fish?” Rich asked.


  "You'll see fish,” Miss Dimple said, “and a lot more!”


  The first animals they saw were harbor seals. Some of the seals were swimming and diving. Other seals lay on rocks.


  “Seals aren't fish,” Dana said. “They are mammals. l can see their hair!”


  “Look at their flippers,” Rich said. “They look like my swim fins.”


  “Those flippers are like swim fins,” Miss Dimple said. “They help seals swim.”


  They stopped next at a big tank. Keb read the label. “Sea Jellies.’ They do look like jelly!” he said.


  “They are just blobs with long tails,” Rich said. “They don't even have bones!”


  “Those tails are called tentacles,” Miss Dimple said. “Tentacles help jellies catch food. And some tentacles can sting. The sting helps keep jellies safe.”


  The next tanks had sea dragons in them.


  “First we see jellies,and now dragons! Where are the fish?” Rich asked.


  Dana read the label. “Sea dragons are a kind of fish!” she said.


  Keb watched the animals wave in the water. “They look more like seaweed than fish!” he said.


  Next,Miss Dimple led them to a very big tank. It was three stories tall! They saw sharks and sea turtles and eels. Small fish darted in and out of caves in a reef at the bottom of the tank.


  “The tank is so big,” said Rich.  “Where does all the water come from?”


  A man heard his question. “Pipes bring water from the sea,” he said. "Seawater gets pumped through the tanks each day."


  “Do you work here?”asked Miss Dimple.


  “Yes," the man said. “My name is Stan.


  And I love to tell people about the aquarium.”


  Rich looked in another tank. He saw a diver. “Look!” he said. “A diver is swimming with a sea turtle! What a great job!”


  "It's a big job,” Stan said."Divers care for the plants and animals in the tanks. They help keep the tanks clean,too.”


  "What other jobs do people do for the aquarium?” Dana asked.


  "Some people collect plants and animals for the tanks. Others make sure the plants and animals stay well. We have a hospital where we care for hurt or sick animals.”


  "Some workers feed the animals. And people have to keep all these tanks working well.”


  "What do you do?” Dana asked.


  “I'll show you,”Stan said.


  He took them to a tide pool. “I madethis,” he said.


  “I love tide pools!”Keb said.“Look at the starfish! Look at the crabs!”


  “Are those rocks real?”Rich asked.


  "No,”said Stan.“We leave real rocks and reefs in the ocean for the plants and animals that live there. We made these rocks the size and shape we needed. And they are easy to clean and move.”


  "Look inside the cracks in the rocks,”Dana said. “Some animals are hiding in them!”


  "Many animals live in tide pools,”Stansaid.“But a tide pool is not an easy place to live. The sea comes in and goes out twice a day. Sometimes water covers the animals. Sometimes the sun bakes them. Big waves can wash animals away. Birds can come and eat them. People sometimes take animals away from tide pools,too.”


  "I have to take you away from this tide pool,” Miss Dimple said.“It's time to go home now.”


  They all thanked Stan,who asked them to come back any time.


  Miss Dimple said,“If the sun comes out tomorrow we can go to the beach. And if it doesn't . . .”


  “We can come back to the aquarium!" they said.




  PART 1


  PART 2


  PART 3


  PART 4



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