

2019年11月15日 11:17 新浪网 作者 老街味道果儿





  Unit 1(18个单词)




  ·about[bat] / prep.关于Please tell me about it.(请告诉我关于它的(知识)。)·card[kɑ:d] / n.卡片;贺卡Here is a card for you.(这是给你的一张卡片。)·make[mek] / vt.制作This is of Chinese make.(这是中国制造的。)·old[ld] / adj.……岁的;老的We don''t feel old at all.(我们一点都不觉得老。)·year[j(r)] / n.年;岁The New Year is coming.(新年就要到了。)·birthday[b:θde] / n.生日Hey,it''s my Birthday!Let''s celebrate.(嘿,今天是我的生日!让我们庆祝一下。)·dear[d(r)] / adj.亲爱的"I love you so much",the father said to his dear son.(“我非常爱你,”父亲对他亲爱的儿子说。)·class[klɑ:s] / n.课She is teaching class to his students.(她正在给学生们上课。)·clock[klk] / n.表,钟表It''s a large clock.(这是一个大钟。)·for[f(r)] / prep.为;给Here''s some strawberry for you.(这些草莓给你。)·o''clock[klk] / adv.……点钟It''s a large clock.(这是一个大钟。)·time[tam] / n.时间What time is it?(几点了?)·Chinese[tani:z] / n.汉语;语文This is a beautiful traditional Chinese decoration.(中国结是一种漂亮的传统中国装饰。)·English[gl] / n.英语I can speak English very well.(我英语讲得很好。)·home[hm] / n.家庭This guy lives in a pineapple-shaped home.(他的家是一个菠萝形状的房子。)·learn[l:n] / vt.& vi.学;学习I found English much more difficult to learn.(我发现英语难学得多。)·jump[dmp] / vt.跳I can jump.(我会跳高。)·run[rn] / vt.& vi.跑They can run very fast.(他们跑的很快。)Unit 2(29个单词)




  ·family[fmli] / n.家庭To him the family is the core of society.(对他来说,家庭是社会的核心。)·father[fɑ:(r)] / n.父亲,爸爸This father has a daughter and a son.(这个父亲有一儿一女。)·mother[m(r)] / n.母亲,妈妈She is my mother.(她是我的母亲。)·Bob[bb] / n.鲍勃(人名)I have a date with Bob.(我和鲍勃有个约会。)·brother[br(r)] / n.兄;弟The brother and sister play together.(两兄妹在一起玩。)·her[h(r)] / pron.她的I''ll ask her what she''s looking at.(我会问问她,她正在看什么。)·his[hz] / pron.他的He looks really cool next to his sports car.(他站在自己的跑车旁边,看起来酷毙了!)·love[lv] / vt.& vi.爱;热爱I love looking after the children.(我喜欢照顾小孩。)·Lynn[ln] / n.琳(人名)My girlfriend Lynn and I eloped.(我和女友琳恩私奔了。)·sister[sst(r)] / n.姐;妹My sister is also my best friend.(我姐姐也是我最好的朋友。)·talk[t:k] / n.交谈The child is learning to talk.(孩子正在学说话。)·short[:t] / adj.矮的;短的Short hair is in style now.(短发现在很流行。)·some[sm] / adj.一些I ordered some new books from the bookstore.(我从书店订购了一些新书。)·son[sn] / n.儿子They have a son.(他们有一个儿子。)·tall[t:l] / adj.高的How did you grow so tall?(你是怎么长得这么高的?)·them[m] / pron.他们;她们;它们Great! I like them.(太棒了!我喜欢它们。)·along[l] / adv.一起Walk along this road.(沿着这条路走。)·grandma[grnmɑ:] / n.奶奶;姥姥My grandma is friendly to everyone.(我外婆对每个人都很和善。)·grandpa[grnpɑ:] / n.爷爷;姥爷Grandpa used to read me stories when I was a little girl.(在我小时候,爷爷会给我讲故事。)·young[j] / adj.年轻的The young kitten struggles to climb onto the rope.(这只小猫努力地想爬上绳索。)·aunt[ɑ:nt] / n.姨妈;姑妈It was a present from Aunt Vera.(这是薇拉姑妈送的礼物。)·cousin[kzn] / n.堂(表)兄弟(姐妹)I always play with my little cousin.(我总是跟我的小表妹玩。)·has[hz] / v.有She has long curly hair.(她留着长长的卷发。)·uncle[kl] / n.叔叔;舅舅;伯伯I love to play video games with my uncle.(我喜欢和叔叔一起玩电子游戏。)·who[hu:] / pron.谁Who are these men?(这些人是谁?)·best[best] / adj.最好的You must take after the best example.(你应该学习最好的榜样。)·big[bg] / adj.大的It''s a big hamburger,but I can finish it!(这么大一个汉堡包,但是我能吃完!)·but[bt] / n.但是I thought I would succeed,but I failed.(我以为我会成功,但是我失败了。)·small[sm:l] / adj.小的This is a small model of my real house.(这是我房子的一个小模型。)Unit 3(22个单词)




  ·bathroom[bɑ:θru:m] / n.卫生间She''s in the bathroom.(她在浴室里。)·bedroom[bedru:m] / n.卧室I want to sleep in a bedroom like this.(我想在这样的卧室里睡觉。)·kitchen[ktn] / n.厨房She started cleaning the kitchen.(她开始打扫厨房。)·living room[livi ru:m] / n.客厅Your living room is so nice!(你的客厅真漂亮!)·welcome[welkm] / n.欢迎Welcome to las Vegas.(欢迎来到拉斯维加斯。)·where[we(r)] / adv.哪里;在哪里Do you know where we are?(你知道我们在哪里吗?)·TV[ti: vi:] / abbr.电视They are already familiar faces on our TV screens.(他们已经是我们电视屏幕上的熟面孔了。)·bear[be(r)] / n.熊Can I have a bear?(可以给我一只玩具熊吗?)·bed[bed] / n.床On the bed?(在床上?)·bump[bmp] / vt.& vi.磕碰He got a bad bump on his forehead.(他碰得前额隆起一个大包。)·fall[f:l] / v.掉落,落下Snow began to quietly fall.(雪开始悄悄地落下。)·head[hed] / n.头My head hurts.(我的头受伤了。)·off[f] / prep.从(某处)落下The rider fell off his horse.(骑手从马上落下。)·teddy bear[tedi be(r)] / n.玩具熊Polly was playing with her teddy bear.(波莉正在玩她的泰迪熊。)·these[i:z] / pron.这些I''m going to eat all of these.(我要全部吃完这些!)·toy[t] / n.玩具The boy sat there, playing his toy leisurely and carefree.(那男孩坐在那里,自由自在地玩着玩具。)·cook[kk] / vi.做饭I want to be a cook.(我想成为一名厨师。)·does[dz] / v.做;干What does she look like?(她看起来什么样子?)·sleep[sli:p] / n.睡Try and get some sleep.(试着睡一会儿。)·watch[wt] / vi.看,观看Do you always watch TV in the evening?(你晚上总看电视吗?)·together[tge(r)] / adv.一起We went on long bicycle rides together.(我们一起骑自行车长途旅行。)·work[w:k] / n.工作;干活I love my job,so I work very hard.(我热爱我的工作,所以我工作很努力。)Unit 4(30个单词)




  ·library[labrri] / n.图书馆The one student are looking for some books in the libray.(一个学生正在图书馆里找一些书。)·park[pɑ:k] / n.公园I''m going to the park.(我要去公园。)·there[e(r)] / adv.那里;在那里How many birds are there?(那里有多少只鸟?)·bus[bs] / n.公共汽车They waited at a bus stop.(他们在一个公共汽车站等车。)·car[kɑ:(r)] / n.汽车Can I have a car?(可以给我一辆汽车吗?)·people[pi:pl] / n.人们There are many different people in the world.(世界上有许多不同的人。)·round[rand] / prep.围绕着A cucumber was sliced into rounds.(黄瓜被切成了圆片。)·shop[p] / n.商店This shop laid in a new stock of goods just a few days ago.(这家商店前几天刚进了一批货。)·street[stri:t] / n.街There are no people on the street at night.(到了晚上,街上就空无一人。)·through[θru:] / prep.通过The path led through the trees to the river.(这条小路穿过树林通向河边。)·town[tan] / n.城镇;城市I grew up in a seaside town.(我在一个海滨小镇长大。)·wheel[wi:l] / n.轮子;车轮The wheel turns too slowly.(轮子转得太慢。)·circle[s:kl] / vt.圈出;圈住The children stood in a circle.(孩子们站成一圈。)·donut[dunt] / n.面包圈I see a cloud that looks like a donut.(我看到一朵象面包圈的云。)·help[help] / vt.& vi.帮助She helped me to walk.(她帮助我走路。)·orange[rnd] / n.橙子;柑橘Do you like orange?(你喜欢橙子吗?)·role[rl] / n.角色What was the role you loved the best?(你最喜欢哪一个角色?)·sure[(r)] / adv.肯定;当然Your want me to call him?Sure,I can do that!(你想让我给他打电话么?当然,我能做到!)·bike[bak] / n.自行车Do you want to leave your bike here?(你想把自行车停在这里吗?)·great[gret] / adj.极好的I feel just great.(我感觉好极了。)·kite[kat] / n.风筝The kite blew away.(风筝乘风起飞。)·ride[rad] / vt.& vi.骑;乘Teach me how to ride a bicycle.(请你教我怎样骑自行车。)·elephant[elfnt] / n.大象His tour de force is an elephant sculpture.(他的精心之作是一件大象雕塑。)·monkey[mki] / n.猴子Act like a monkey.(扮演一只猴子。)·tiger[tag(r)] / n.老虎It''s a tiger.(这是一只老虎。)·zoo[zu:] / n.动物园She is at the zoo.(她在动物园里。)·playground[plegrand] / n.操场;游乐场We also have a big playground.(我们还有一个大操场。)·skip rope[skip rup] / n.跳绳We watched the children skip rope.(我们看孩子们跳绳。)·slide[slad] / vi.滑;滑滑梯Let''s slide down this grassy slope.(咱们顺着这草坡滑下去吧。)·swing[sw] / n.荡秋千;摆动The little lad was playing on the swing.(这小男孩在荡秋千。)《冀教版_一年级英语下册_一年级起点》由[小孩子点读]APP独家原创整理并发布,未经授权不得转载。小孩子单词天天练提供标准的发音,详实的释义,贴切的例句,助力大家学好英语。

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