

2021年08月28日 12:50 新浪网 作者 四川国雅臻





此枚银币正面为手执束棒的自由女神坐像,背面的装饰图案为麦穗,两侧铸法文文字是“REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE(法兰西共和国)”。女神座下方有小字法文“BARRE”和该币发行的年份“1896”。银币背面的主图案为一花环,周圈为说明文字,花环上方铸法文为“FRANCAISE INDO-CHINE(法兰西印度支那)”。





  Sitting Yang coin is French Indochina trade silver dollar, commonly known as sitting Yang, for the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China circulation in China one of the foreign silver dollar. The front of the silver coin is the statue of Liberty, the back of the decorative pattern for the eagle, French "trade silver dollar" and "French Indochina" and so on. Silver dollar front of the Greek goddess of Liberty sitting, this is also the "sitting Yang" named factors. Various versions were released intermittently until 1937, when the war came to an end. And China in 1933 after the abolition of two yuan, ship foreign legal currency gradually unified the market, foreign silver in China's good days no longer, just this time sit foreign also disappeared.

  On the front of this silver coin is the seated statue of Liberty holding a beam, on the back is the decorative pattern of wheat, and on both sides is the French words "REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE". Beneath the constellation is the small French word "BARRE" and the year of the coin, "1896." The main pattern on the back of the silver coin is a garland, the circle is the caption, the garland above the cast French "FRANCAISE Indo-chine".

  Coin as the market from the beginning to the peak of the brilliant busy, collection prices and transaction prices are constantly refreshing constantly soaring. As a historical carrier, the silver dollar recorded the humiliating history of political oppression and economic exploitation of the Chinese people after the Opium War. The study of foreign currency circulating in China is of great significance for us to understand the crimes of foreign powers who plundered China's wealth by using silver dollar trade, and to enhance patriotism and contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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